Ch. 46 : Destroying The Preta Path

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Ch. 45: Destroying The Preta Path

[With Hiruzen's Group]

Hiruzen, Jiraiya and Team Gai are following the [Pain] who can absorb Ninjutsu and Chakra, the [Preta Path (Gakido)].

Naruto choose this people to form a Team to go against the said Path because of their specialty in Bojutsu, Senjutsu Toad Kumite and Taijutsu.

They are the perfect counter against the [Preta Path].

Hiruzen: Be careful, Everyone. Like Naruto just mention, this 'Living Corpse' have the ability to absorb Ninjutsu and Chakra alike. And so, we will only fight it using our weapons and Taijutsu.

"Jiraiya, you will stay here and summon the Toads Elders and try to enter [Sage Mode]. We will try to give you an opening, once you see it don't hold back and attacked it with everything that you have. Everyone, understood?"

Team Gai/Jiraiya: Hai/Got it, Sensei!

Hiruzen: Good! Team 9, Let's go!

Gai/Lee: [6th Gate of View (Keimon)], Kai!

The Sensei and the Student that looks like Father and Son or relatives from a distant-distant family, open the 6th Gate directly without opening the first 5 Gates first

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The Sensei and the Student that looks like Father and Son or relatives from a distant-distant family, open the 6th Gate directly without opening the first 5 Gates first.

Rock Lee's body is surrounded by color dark-green vapor and his skin turns dark-crimson in color. His veins pop out and his eyes lose its pupil.

His aura have and energy have increase, enhancing both his strength, speed and durability to the next level.

But Gai's form is still a cut above him even when they both open the same number of Gates. The pressure that he is giving of is also still another level compared to his student.

Hiruzen: Team Gai, intercept him! Don't let him leave and cause more casualties! We have to bring him down, right here, right now!

Team Gai: Roger, Sandaime-sama!

They roar and scatter to do their part, they must stop the fatty Pain from killing another civilians who failed to evacuate on time.

Tenten run, then she jump from house to house. As she is getting closer to her target, she took the large Ninja Scroll behind her and tosses it above the [Path] that is running wild and killing civilians.

Tenten: Rain down and impale the enemy![Sogu: Tensasai (Weapon Control: Heavenly Chain Disaster)]!

The large scroll open, then a loud [POOF!] was heard and a large amount of smokes appeared.

When the large scroll was unsealed, a myriad of different weapons to rain down with enough force to impale anyone in immediate vicinity and crater the ground.

When the large scroll was unsealed, a myriad of different weapons to rain down with enough force to impale anyone in immediate vicinity and crater the ground

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