Ch. 37 : The 2nd Rinnegan

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Ch. 37: the 2nd Rinnegan

Naruto: I'm here for your right eye.


Naruto remove Obito's right eye in a speed that he couldn't even react. The people outside spectating the happening inside the prison cell also cant follow his movement and was surprise.

Minato(shock): Fast! I can only see a blur!

Kakashi(gasp): I didn't even see him took action! What the hell!

Everyone nod and agree with Kakashi.

[Inside the Cell]

Obito was screaming from the pain of his eye remove. Good thing It happen so fast and not in slow and painful removal.


Naruto(smile): Don't worry I intend to show you. Ladies?

Understanding Naruto, Ino and Anko release him and Tsunade get off his back. Naruto remove his right eye and put Obito's to his eye socket and do some handseals.

Naruto: Here goes. Don't blink your remaining eye now, Obito-san. [Fuinjutsu: DNA Mixing: Return to Origin]!

Kushina: Wait, ttebane, Naru-chan! I want to see the transformation again!

Minato: M-me too!

Menma/Naruko: U-us too, Nii-san!

Ibiki: What transformation? And why is everyone seem eager to see something?

Ibiki and Inoichi are confuse.

Kakashi: Just follow us inside or you'll miss something great.

Everyone run and entered Obito's prison cell in a hurry, afraid to miss the great show that Naruto will do. The Rogue Uchiha is also confuse.

Naruto close his eyes, and after a few seconds he open them. The eye that he took from Obito suddenly begun changing. It is transforming.

After he apply Chakra to it, the eye turn into 1 Tomoe, 2 Tomoe and 3 Tomoe Sharingan shocking the first time spectators.

But it didn't stop there. Naruto isn't finished yet. Adding more chakra, the 3 Tomoe Sharingan begun to morph into Mangekyo, the Eternal Mangekyo and finally stop when it become a Rinnegan.

Finally! Kaido Naruto has obtain his second Rinnegan! Obito, Inoichi and Ibiki are so shock they couldn't speak.


Naruto(smirk): The evidence is right in front of your eye already, why can't you just accept it? Also, correct me if I'm wrong.

"Your Sharingan, it doesn't have the power and ability to put the Kyuubi under Genjutsu and control it 16 years ago, am I right?

"Is it that left eye of yours? That's the real eye of Uchiha Madara, isn't it? After all, he is the only one who have managed to control the Kyuubi in history."

Obito(flinch): Hmp, so what? You also want to steal it, huh, Kaido? (Laughing) you cannot control it you fool! Madara's eye is special. Even an Uchiha like me can only use a fraction of it's power to control the Kyuubi.

"If a non-Uchiha use his eye, it's the same as a Civilian transplanted with a Rinnegan. The big Chakra from the Dojutsu alone will kill them! So you better give up, fool! Hahaha!"

Naruto(smile): Oh? Aren't you a cheeky one? Have you forgotten that I have Uzumaki blood? We are cousin of the Senju Clan and we also have the power to tame the aberrant power of your Clans Dojutsu.

"And I was expose to a more gigantic and dangerous chakra since me and my siblings were inside our mother's womb. Can Madara's chakra compare to the Kyuubi? (Obito shudder) So don't tempt me, Uchiha Obito, because I am not afraid."

Obito and the others that was inside the cell gulp.


[Amegakure: Pein Tower]

A sickly-looking white haired dude had his eyes close. His lower body is inside a machine-like thing and his back is pierce by Black Rods.

When he open his eyes, anyone will recognize the eyes he has. Rinnegan! Yes, Rinnegan. He has the same eyes as Kaido Naruto has.

In front of him is a woman with blue hair and a blue paper flower clip to her hair. She also has a pin below her mouth, orange shed in her eyes, orange pupils and is wearing an Akatsuki cloak.

The man is Uzumaki Nagato of the Uzumaki Clan. The woman is Konan, 2 of the 3 who created the Akatsuki organization.

Nagato: Konan, ready yourself. Tomorrow, we will invade Konoha and it takes 3 days from Ame to reach there. Our mission is to attack that village to draw their attention. Once the 3 Jinchuuriki and the others come out, you will go and release him from prison.

Konan(nod): But are you sure we need to go and rescue him? I just don't trust that guy, I feel like he's going to backstabbed us when we let our guard down, Nagato.

Nagato: He knows of our plan more than Itachi or any other members of the group does. We can't leave him be and let Konoha extract information out of him.

"He is your mission Konan. But dont worry, I won't let any threats go after you. Not the [Yellow Flash] and not even the [New God of Shinobi], Kaido Naruto."

Konan is still not convince but nod anyway.

[Hokage Office]

Tsunade: Everyone, I called you all here to tell you that the Chuunin Exam is coming once again. This time, it will be held in Sunagakure. If you want to recommend your Genin to participate then please step forward.

Naruto step forward first.

Naruto: I, Kaido Naruto, Jonin-sensei of Team 7 recommended: Sarutobi Konohamaru, Mitokado Udon, Utatane Moegi and Hyuuga Hanabi to participate in the Chuunin Exam.

(A/N: Sorry guys, I haven't written about his genin team before. But they become a team and he taught them before the start of this story's Chapter 1. He also taught them before team Dragon went to sky island for a year. Sorry for being careless.)

After Naruto, 2 more Jonin-sensei step forward to recommend their team.

A/N: Sorry again for not uploading new chapters. It was suppose to be a chapter every 3 days, but because I'm having slump I'm going to upload Every weak now.

"My next upload will be in 5 Days from now, the same as my other story [Garan Mask]. That's all from me, folks. Enjoy reading.

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