Ch. 30 : The Space-Time Barrier Seal

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Ch. 30: The Space-Time Barrier Seal


Kushina run fast, her direction is the Hokage office. She knows that Tsunade, Minato and Hiruzen like to stay there and talk about 'Hokage stuff'.

Kushina arrived in the office and slam the door open. The Anbu guarding the 3 Hokage and are hiding in the ceiling, jump down and surround Kushina.

Their swords are unsheathed. But, upon recognizing that it was just Kushina, the wife of the 4th Hokage, the Anbu guards relaxed and sheathed their swords and return to their post.

Minato: Kushi-chan? What's wrong? Why do you look panic?

Kushina: Minato, Hiruzen, Tsuna-nee, I need your help! I need you to send back-up to where Naru-chan and the others are. I sense the Chakra of the Kyuubi, the 2 of them. I feel it, Minato. Menma and Naruko didn't use the Kyuubi's Chakra, instead they were pulled out from their bodies!

3 Hokage: WHAT?!

Minato: Are you sure about this, Kushina?


Everyone gulp, scared to comment any further.

Hiruzen: Tsunade!

Tsunade(nod): Anbu! Get me Team 8, 9 and 10, Fast! Also, call Jiraiya for me. I don't care what he is doing, drag him here if you have to!

2 Anbu nod and shunshin away.

Kushina: Nee-san, I will go with the others as well. I want to be there for my children and protect them.

Minato: I will go too, I have an idea on who cause this. 'He' is back and I know it. And I will be the one to defeat 'him' and finish what I couldn't before.

Hiruzen: In that case, I will go as well. 'He' killed my wife Biwako and I will make sure I am there when 'he' die. I want to see it with my own eyes, 'his' death!


Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door open and Teams 8, 9, 10 and Jiraiya enter the office.


The people spectating the Battle between Monsters have their eyes widen at the sight of the 2 Kyuubi being defeated by a single, yet powerful roar.

For Kakashi and Itachi who once witness the might of the beast when it attack Konoha 16 years ago being at the mercy of someone who also born on the night it attacked is like an irony. Karma is a bitch, indeed.

Many Shinobi have challenged it by throwing Jutsu after Jutsu to defeat it, yet only a few have succeded.

And now, the name [Kaido Naruto] place his name next to Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara as one of the people who also defeated it.

Everyone(gulp): (This guy is making History. Incredible!)

Naruto: It looks like the Kyuubi isn't as durable as I thought. 1 hit and it already can't stand up properly.

Spectators(Sweatdrop): (You're just too strong.)


The 2 Kyuubi finally manage to stand up without their legs shaking. They look at the Dragon-form Naruto still flying above them and growl.

Inside the Yang Kyuubi, Obito who can't use his Kamui Jutsu felt like being burn alive after the Kyuubi got hit by Naruto's Blast breath.

Obito(curse): That was intense, never felt like it before. I feel like a Medicine ingredient inside a cauldron and was being refine to become a pill, its sooooo hot!!! Damn that bastard, is he trying to cook me?!

 I feel like a Medicine ingredient inside a cauldron and was being refine to become a pill, its sooooo hot!!! Damn that bastard, is he trying to cook me?!

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(A/N: I also love reading Wuxia novels, especially [TDG])

The Yin and Yang Kyuubi then open their mouths and started to gather energy. 2 Black balls of compress energy surrounded by red and black tiny bubbles appear close to the 2 Bijuu's mouths.

2 Kyuubi(roar): RAWR!!!

The 2 Bijuu fire the 2 Bijuudama towards Naruto. Everyone outside started to panic. But after they saw Naruto's sneer, they calm down.

Naruto(sneer): You think I'm scared?

Naruto released his transformation and revert back to his human form confusing everyone.

Naruto(handseals): [Fuinjutsu: Jikukan Kekkai (Space-Time Barrier!)]

A super large Fuinjutsu appear in mid-air and the 2 Bijuudama collided with it. But instead of exploding it got suck instead.


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20 Miles away, in an uninhabited island, a super size explosion occured that destroyed the whole island and created a sinkhole in the ocean.

[Back-up Group]


As the group travel to the place where Team Dragon and Team Kakashi have their mission was, they heard an loud explosion and felt a great tremor in the ground.

They also noticed the Gigantic Mushroom-like smoke in the far away distance. Minato, Kushina, Hiruzen and Jiraiya understood what is going on as the others are confused.

Minato(wide-eyed): This feeling! It can't be! He even managed to use that Jutsu?!

Jiraiya: There is no doubt, Minato. It is the same as your technique!

Kushina: The Jikukan Kekkai (Space-Time Barrier Seal)!

Hiruzen: What an incredible Kid! He really is your son, you two.

As parents, Minato and Kushina are proud of his achievements.

Kiba(confuse): Who?

Shikamaru: It's Naruto, isn't it?

The 4 Adults nod. Naruto's former classmates gulp.

Hinata: (Naruto-kun, Sisters, please be safe.)

A/N: Annnddd.....Ch. 30 is done! Oh Yeah!!! I hope you guys will like the Chapter. Enjoy!!!

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