Ch. 36 : Tsunade is Forgiven

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Ch. 35: Tsunade is forgiven

Tsunade approved of Naruto's request and told the Anbu to tell Ibiki Morino of the T&I department to let Naruto enter unobstructed to Uchiha Obito's prison cell.

The Cat Mask Anbu leave right away.

Naruto: My business here is done, I shall take my leave. Thank you once again...uhm, (sweating) Godmother.

Naruto left faster than Minato's Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God) Jutsu with an embarrassed look. The people in the office failed to react for a few seconds, then Tsunade raise his hands in the air.


Kushina and her kids are happy for her.

Kushina: I'm happy for you, Nee-san. Now, you can spend more time and create bonds with Naruto. Congratulations.

Tsunade(hug her): Yes, you are right, Kushi. Oh, I can't wait to spend time with my future hubby~ (squel).


Tsunade: Eeehhh... Come on, Kushi. I'm serious in pursuing Naru-chan, you know? I like him the same as I feel to Dan. Give me a chance, please? (Still hugging her)

Kushina: No!

While the 2 are convincing each other about to have or not to have a relationship with the God of Shinobi, Minato and Jiraiya have a sad looks in their faces.

Menma and Naruko noticed this but stay silent, they feel sad for them though. After all, their brother Naruto haven't forgiven them let alone talk to them.

Minato: (Naruto had forgiven Tsunade-sama so fast. It is understandable as she didn't do anything major and harmful to him other than giving him minor attention compared to his siblings.

"Compared to her (sigh). I am disappointed in myself. I really failed and disappointed you, Son. I can only hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me too."

Minato look down and let his hair cover his eyes to hide his tears that is beginning to fall.

Jiraiya: (First, I failed to saved my friend from going to the Dark Path. Since then until Naruto killed him 3 years ago, Orochimaru experimented and killed many people in order to become immortal.

"Second, because of me convincing Minato and Kushina to focus on training their 2 youngest because of some unsure Prophecy that they neglected their eldest child.

"Third, the woman that I love for as long as I can remember is now in-love with my neglected Godson-turn-the 4th God of Shinobi. (Sigh) I really fuck up big time and unlucky at the same time.")

While this is happening in the Hokage's office, Naruto finally arrived in the Torture and Investigation Department (T&I dept.).

[T&I Dept.]

Naruto arrived and was surprised by the people waiting for him at the entrance. There stood Hatake Kakashi, Ibiki Morino, Yamanaka Inoichi and his 2 fiancee's who are also working in the said department.

Ino and Anko run and tackle their man.

Ino(smile): You sure took your time to come here and make us wait, huh, Naru?

Anko(smirk): You must be punished, Big Boy.

Naruto: Girls girls, calm down. Not here, okay? Ino-hime, your father is looking at us. And Anko-hime, your superior is also looking us like he is pissed. Clearly, he doesn't want to wait anymore and get the shit we came here for done.

Ino and Anko look at Inoichi who just give a genuine smile, Kakashi giggling perversely and Ibiki with a jealous and bored look. The 2 ladies are embarrassed before he they stand up.

Ino/Anko: Hehehe, Sorry bout that.

Then, with a [Swoosh], the people that was in the office appeared via Hiraishin.

Jiraiya(laughing): We made it just in time. Nice timing as always, Minato.

Then he saw his Godson being pinned down by Ino and Anko. Jiraiya's nose started bleeding, he was about to pull his notebook from his Ninja pouch and write about the scene when Naruto remind him.

Naruto(narrowed eyes): Jiraiya (he said in a dark voice scaring the Sannin). Didn't I warn you about what I'm going to do to you if you write about us and put it in your [book]?

"I don't mind giving you a one-way trip to the afterlife if I found out that you put my Hime's in your filthy books. Don't you dare test my patience "

Jiraiya(gulp): Hehe, sorry about that, I...kinda...forgot, hehe. Do-dont worry it won't happen again.

And he put his notebook back. Inoichi and Ibiki sigh and felt relieved that their daughter and subordinate won't be put in the books where many people with perverted minds ogle at them through their imaginations Everytime they read it.

Kushina (kick Jiraiya): Don't you dare write about my Son and my daughter in-laws in your Icha-icha, you pervert.

Jiraiya: Ouch! Come on, Kushina. Naruto just finished reminding me.

Kushina: Hmp! As long as you understand.

Naruto then stand up with Ino and Anko holding his arms each and when everyone was about to enter the T&I building, Tsunade suddenly tackle the blonde Kaido.

Menma/Kakashi/Jiraiya/Ibiki: (Damn it, I'm jealous!)

Kushina: Tsuna-nee!!! Get off my Sochi, right now!

Tsunade: Hehe, don't mind me. I just want to get closer to my future hubby.

Ino/Anko: Naru?! What is the meaning of this?!

Naruto(smile nervously): I'll explain later, I promise.

Ino/Anko: You better!

Everyone chuckled, then they all enter to see Obito.

[Obito's Prison Cell]

Naruto: I wish to enter alone, but you can leave the door open and watch from there if you want.

Everyone nodded except for Ino, Anko and Tsunade who wont let go of him and wants to go inside too...while holding him, of course.

Naruto can't say NO to his lovers and Tsunade so he just let them. After opening the door, Obito saw Naruto, his lovers, Tsunade and the others behind them.

He also noticed that his Sensei, Minato and his former teammate, Kakashi together with the 2 Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi. Obito frowned.

Obito: What are you doing here, Sanbi? What do you want? And why did you bring a gallery? If it's to mock me, then I will ask you to leave.

The UzuKaze family, Tsunade and Naruto's lovers frown. But before they could move and out Obito in his place, Naruto's hand move fast in a blur and remove Obito's right eye.

Obito scream a painful screamed as he feel the pain in his right eye.

Naruto: I'm here for your right eye.

A/N: Uploaded in 19:23 pm at December 31, 2022. Advance Happy New Year to everyone, wish you all well and thanks for reading. Enjoy.

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