Ch. 38 : Team 7 Next Generation

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Ch. 38: team 7 next generation

[Training Ground 7]

Naruto: Good Morning, Kids!

Kono/Udon/Moegi/Hanabi: Good Morning, Nii-chan Sensei!

Naruto smile at how excited they are so early in the morning.

Naruto: Team, I have recommended you all to participate in the upcoming Chuunin Exam in Sunagakure. Here are the forms, fill it up and return it to me after you sign it and I'll take care of the rest.

"The Chuunin Exam will begin 2 weeks from now. We will train for 10 days then go to Sunagakure with other 2 teams. I will use my Dragon form to carry us their and arrive early, okay? Oh, and make me proud."

Genin's: Yes, Sensei, we will!

[After Training]

Naruto: Wow! You guys improve a lot since the last time I saw you train. Not only did you improve your Ninjutsu and Taijuts, you also added a little Genjutsu in your arsenal.

"I am even surprise that Hanabi-chan can now use Ninjutsu and mix it with her Jyuken. I see that you have listen to my advice, good job, Hanabi-chan."

Hanabi(smile): I'll keep on improving and get better and stronger, then someday I will surpass you, Naruto-sensei.


Naruto(laughing): I have no doubt that you will, hahaha. But for now, as your sensei, I will make sure to make you stronger so that you won't meet any unfortunate accident in the Exam and then get promoted and become Chuunin together.

Genin's: We will work hard, Sensei!

Then Konohamaru ask.

Kono: Nii-chan, can you also teach us your [Rokushiki Taijutsu]?

Hearing their teammate's request, the 3 Genins ears perk up.

Genin's(puppy eyes): Please, Naru-nii?

Naruto(sigh): those Puppy Eyes are too dangerous, I just can't refuse them. Alright fine, but I will only teach you one style. And don't forget that we only have a few days before the Exam.

"Meaning, that you probably won't be able to master the style and use it in the Exam. And remember, no Quitting, I hate quitters. I don't care if you master it or not, as long as you don't quit it is enough for me."

Genin's(grin): Understand, Nii-chan Sensei! We will never quit!

Hanabi: By the way, Naruto-Sensei. What is the name of the style you are going to teach us?

Ask Hanabi as she and the others are excited to know.

Naruto(smile): Geppo(Moon Walk). What's great about this style is that, by kicking the air fast you can push yourselves off the air to travel through or remain airborne for an extended period of time. It is also best to use in evading an attack like the [Fireball Jutsu] or the assassin's."

Genin's: Waahhh, Cooolll!!! Awesomeee!!! Please teach us, Sensei! We are ready to learn!

[Timeskip: 2 Days Later]

While Naruto is training his Genin Team with the help of Hinata, as she good in Taijutsu spars and Temari with her wide scale Futon bombardment, Naruto and Temari sense 7 presence's.

In the 7 presence, 1 is clearly alive. But the the other 6, Naruto and Temari can't seem to understand them. They have an aura that do not belong to the living but clearly moving like they are alive.

Naruto: Hina-hime and Team 7. Go and inform Baa-chan that we have 7 intruders. They are strong, probably Akatsuki members.

Temari: Naru, can you feel the presence of the 6 people? They gave faint life signs, it's like they are only moving because someone is controlling them. They feel like dead to me.

Hinata tilted her head in confusion.

Hinata: I don't understand, Tema-chan.

Naruto(nod): She means that the 6 people are dead people who are being controlled by someone strong and have a massive amount of Chakra. Like a puppet being move by a Chakra Strings, Hina-hime.

Hinata and the Genins gulp and was shock before they nod and leave to inform their Hokage of the coming threats.

[With Naruto and Temari]

Naruto: Temari-hime, you are with me. I'm sure your sisters have already sense the enemies by now and are doing their best to ready the Shinobi's and evacuate the Civilian's. We will intercept the Akatsuki together.

Temari hug him and look at him grinning.

Temari(grinning): A deadly date, my love? I'm so excited that I can't wait to face them anymore.

Naruto return her question with a similar grin.

Naruto: Don't worry, Hime. I'm sure this battle is one that we won't forget. We will get more action just like every battle we have before.

[Hokage Office]

Hinata and Team 7 slam the door open shocking Hiruzen(3rd), Minato(4th) and Tsunade(5th Hokage), Jiraiya and Kushina.

The Anbu's jump down and took a fighting stance to protect the Hokage's.

After recognizing the intruders, the 3 Hokage's and the others relax and signal the Anbu to return to their post.

Hiruzen: Konohamaru-kun, what is Team 7 doing here along with Hinata?

Konohamaru(panic): Jiji, now is not the time for that. You have to evacuate the people now!

The older people got confused, the Hinata said.

Hinata: Hokage-sama, Naruto-kun told us to come here so we can inform you that he and Temari-chan have sense 7 intruders. They have deduce that they are Akatsuki remnants.

A/N: They have come. The Akatsuki have invaded Konoha. Will Naruto be able to stop the self-proclaimed God, Pein in time before he can cause more damage to the village? Find out.

[Garan Mask] Chapter 9 is also uploaded. I hope you will read it too, thanks and enjoy.

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