Ch. 56 : Dinner With The Kaido Clan

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Ch. 56: Dinner With The Kaido Clan

Since that day Konan become a Konoha Shinobi and lived with her new family, she was taught with their Clans [Rokushiki Taijutsu] and Haki everyday together with Hinata.

Hinata was given approval by his father to lived with the Kaido Clan after Naruto, let's just say, pursuade him. A little talk from Naruto was enough to give her daughter the go signal.

Naruto of course didn't forget to put the [Quadro Protection Seal] like Kushina to his new fiancee's.

The shy Hyuga Heiress and the Emotionless Paper Angel learn how to cuss and curse because of how hard their training and how merciless their spartan trainers are.

Of course, they didn't forget the [Chuunin Exam] in Sunagakure. The new Team 7: Konohamaru, Udon, Moegi and Hanabi, along with the other Team's are really excited to go as they can finally ride the Legendary Golden Dragon of Konoha.

Team Dragon was given the mission to escort the Teams that will participate in the Exam along with Team Kakashi/Kushina and Jiraiya.

They volunteer to go to form a bond with Naruto and the Kaido Clan, mostly to Naruto. The exam didn't pose a challenge to the new Team 7, they are after all train by Naruto and his girls.

They passed the exam with ease. The only problem is the Written exam and the 1v1 combat, where they had to fight their own friends. In the end, all 4 of them got promoted to Chuunin Rank.

2 weeks have passed since the Exam and everything is normal, that is until 2 Uzumaki Kunoichi went to the Hokage Tower and ask Tsunade for an apprenticeship.

With a smile in her face, Tsunade test both Karin and Tayuya personally. The result? Karin's chakra control is as good as the Hokage thanks to her special sensory ability to constantly monitor and train her large Uzumaki chakra reserves: the [Minds Eye of Kagura].

Karin become Tsunades 4th student after Kato Shizune, Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura. As for Tayuya, she become Yuhi Kurenai and Uchiha Itachi's Genjutsu student.

Itachi was reluctant to accept a student at first. But when he remembered his debt to Naruto for curing him of his illness, and Tayuya being his cousin in his Uzumaki genes, he accepted her as his student.

Everyday the 2 girls continue to progress and get stronger.

Before I forgot, UzuKaze Naruko and Uchiha Sasuke were also promoted to Chuunin together. UzuKaze Menma was already promoted (just forgot to mention him in the first season of the story and in the first chapter of this story).

The 2 were given a [Field Promotion] for their contribution in killing the strongest of the 6 Paths of Pain, the Tendo Path.

Now, all of the members of the Konoha 14 are no longer Genins. To celebrate this, all of them gathered in the Akimichi Barbeque Restaurant. Even Naruto's fiancees come and join them, including Konan.

Sakura frown and wants to leave after seeing Konan, but stop and just give it her all to control herself and not to accidentally flatten the place with her raging anger.

[Kaido Clan Residence]

Naruto invited his mother to have dinner in his Clans place, Kushina happily agreed.

Kushina: Naru-chan, can I bring Minato, your siblings, your cousins, Hiruzen, your... Godparents, Shizune and Kakashi here next time to join us? Pleaseee~?

Harem Sisters(shock): ...........

The girls are shock at her request, but they are more concern at their future husband's reaction and answer, so they didn't say anything and are also waiting.

The silence is errie and made them sweat and nervous. Kushina and the girls gulp eveytime the clock tick to 10 seconds.

After 2 whole minutes of waiting, Naruto who has his eyes close, open.

Naruto: Alright, Mom, you may bring them here. But not now, maybe the day after tomorrow. Tonight, I want to enjoy dinner with just us here.

Kushina stand up and went to her son and give her a hug.

Kushina(smile): Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Naru-chan.

His girls also smile at approve of his answer.

[Timeskip: 2 days]

2 days later, Kushina brought all the people she had mention to Naruto before. Minato, Menma, Naruko, Hiruzen, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune, Karin and Tayuya came.

Karin/Tayuya: Hey, Couz! We're here!

The Kaido's: Welcome! Please, come in!

Visitors: Thanks for having us!

The visitors enter as they were guided by the Kaido's to the dinner table. Ino, Haku, Hinata and Konan loves to cook, they cook a lot of many yet delicious foods that it's like they're having a feast.

When the visitors saw the prepared foods in the table, their stomach begun to rumble as they are guided to their seats by Naruto, Temari and Anko.

Menma: Wow! So many delicious foods!

Naruko(nod, nod): I can wait anymore. I want to taste them already!

Kushina: Kids, control yourselves.

Menma/Naruko: Hehe, sorry, mom~

While eating, the group had a small talk and laughter. Menma, Naruko, Kushina and Anko are the ones thats telling the stories that do not seem to end.

They talk about Ramen, Pranking eating contest, Torture and Interrogation and more. Jiraiya also join them by telling stories of his travels, places he had been to and people he had meet.

His favorite topic is of course about the beautiful women he meet in his 'manly' adventures. Hiruzen, Kakashi and Menma love his stories...and Minato too, but in secret.

He only stop when he saw Tsunade, Kushina and Konan gave him a scary glare when his story divert to women's bodies and peeping.

Jiraiya: S-sorry...(Tch! Party poopers!)

The others also contribute by telling their own stories or just humor them. Konan who had no social life before contribute by giggling in a cute way, like the mature woman she is.

Naruto smile at her everytime she giggled cutely.

Everyone's in happy/celebration mode, all except for Minato. The 4th Hokage is having trouble to do the 'thing' he came to do. He is having trouble apologizing to Naruto for neglecting him in front of all this many people.

Minato: (This is so nerve-wracking. I'd rather invade Iwagakure (Hidden Stone) and Kumogakure (Hidden Cloud) alone than feel this. Come on, Minato! You're the 4th Hokage, darn it! Don't get nervous and show some guts!)

Is what he is thinking. Poor Yondaime, can't even apologize to his son properly. Without his knowledge, everyone is gone except for Jiraiya, Kakashi Menma, Naruko and...him. Of course, Naruto as well.

[To Be Continued...]


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