Ch. 53 : Going Back To Konoha With Konan

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Ch. 53: Going Back To Konoha With Konan

Konan(sob): Thank you and I'm sorry for everything.

Team Dragon girls gather around her and Ino pat her shoulder.

Ino: It's okay, you were just misled. Losing a friend isn't really an easy thing. It was all Black Zetsu and Uchiha Obitos fault for using you and Nagato to do his wicked plans.

Haku: We are for you, and we will help you if you need our help.

Temari: This calls for a Group Hug then?

Hinata: Come here and join us, Naruto-kun.

Naruto: Eh? You sure, Hime? There's already a lot of you there... And I'm, uh, fine just standing here.

Ino: Nonsense. Come here, Naru.

Anko: How about you 5 do your hug-thing, while me and Naru-kun do our own thing behind those trees outside the cave. Okay?

Harem: No!

Anko(giggle): Hehe, worth a try.

Hinata blushed as red as Kushina and Naruko's hair at Ankos forward attitude. Konan also had a faint taint in her face, but being the mature woman she is, she was able to hide it and giggle at the Teams interaction.

Konan: You guys are really close, I'm jealous.

Temari(smile): Perks of living together for 2 years, I guess.

Anko: Oh, I know! Why don't we have Hinata live with us as well?

Hinata: Eh? Ehhhhh????? I-i don't know...

Naruto smile and pat Anko's head.

Naruto: Good idea, Anko-Hime.

Anko: Mwehehehe.

Naruto: I will ask for an appointment to meet with Hiashi-dono when we return later. I'm good at pursuading someone, so be sure to have your things pack and ready, Hina-Hime.

Hinata(blush): H-hai, N-naruto-kun...

Team Dragon smile. As Naruto was about to suggest to return to the village, an aged voice calls.

???: Konan?

Konan and Naruto's group turn their heads and saw Jiraiya with a sad expression as he stare at Konan.

Konan: Hello and long time no see, Jiraiya-'sensei'.

She spoke the Toad Sannin's name with venom. Jiraiya and Team Konoha got goosebumps, the blue-haired woman clearly held contempt to his former sensei and the village.

Konohagakure and their elders are the main reason and have the big contribution in the destruction of Ame during the 3rd Ninja War, and also the death of her lover, Yahiko.

Jiraiya: (I have failed a lot of people in this life, I really am a failure, huh.) Konan, I know that I am a failure as a sensei, I should have stay with you guys in Amegakure all those years ago.

"But... As a Shinobi of Konoha, I have a duty to fight in the war to protect our village. And that duty prevented me from doing the right thing to stay with you 3. I am sorry too for your lost, I mean in Yahiko and Nagato."

At the mention of the 3 special people in her life, Konan had a breakdown. Team Dragon girls hug her before they look at Naruto.

Naruto give a wry smile before he too hug the Akatsuki woman. Konan was surprised and was caught off guard by the hug, but she didn't protest or push him away.

It's been a long time ago since man had give her a hug... And she likes it. She is hunger for it and know that she will longed for it when she finally returned to Ame.

Konan also hug back and cried. For the first time in a long time, she let her guard down and become a weak and defenseless woman.

Team Dragon girls hug her tight as well and give their support to the crying lady.

Kakashi: By the way, what are we going to do with her? She is still a prisoner of war. Shouldn't we have her lock up in prison?

Sasuke: Naruto also cancelled the Chakra Suppression Seal.

Minato: For now, let's bring her to Tsunade-sama so she can decide what to do with her. But... What is your plan with her, Naruto?

Naruto: I want to bring her back to Ame to become the new Amekage. Nagato's last wish and I want to fulfill it for his sake.

Kushina: Then let's go and return back to the village, I'm sure that everyone's worried sick and wants to know what the outcome of the fight against the Akatsuki was.

Everyone nod and return to Konoha together.

Naruto: Don't worry, Konan-san. If someone come and tried to harm you, Team Dragon will deal with them. So just relax.

Konan(smile): T-thank you, Naruto-san.

On their way to Konoha, The Dragon stay close to Konan as they are surrounding her. Konan was thankful for their help and intention.

She knows that they only want to protect her from the Shinobi's and Villagers who were blinded by rage and wanted to attacked her to avenged their dead families.

She may not have killed a single villager, but the same cannot be said to the Pein puppets and the White Zetsu Clones.

When they arrived in the village, they can hear the many survivors wailing and mourning for their fallen comrades and families.

The atmosphere in the village is so depressing that the group got goosebumps. The feeling and scent of death still lingers in the air.

When some of the people saw Konan, they didn't bother on checking on who are with her and who are the people protecting her.

They lost all reason because of the death of their loved ones. Their minds are clouded and anger is filling them. They attacked her.

Shinobi's and Anbu's wave Hand seals and drawing the others draw their weapons. The normal civilians pick some stones and anything they could get their hands on.

Shinobi 1: You bitch! You're still alive?! I will avenged my dead father!

Shinobi 2: You will die and no one will care!

Civilians 1: You will pay for killing our families and friends!

Civilians 2: We will feed your dead body to the vultures and crows!

Jutsu after Jutsu are flying and rain down to the group. They didn't even noticed that the 4tg Hokage and the Toad Sannin are among the people guarding their target.

Minato step forward and wave his famous Space-Time handseals.

Minato: [Jikukanton: Jikukan Kekkai (Space-Time Release: Space-Time Barrier)]!

And a gigantic Fuinjutsu Seal was drawn in the air.

[To Be Continued...]

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