Ch. 43 : Gamabunta Appears

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Ch. 43: Gamabunta Appears

Seeing his captured Childhood friend, Nagato reacted.

Tendo: Konan! Release her now, Kaido Naruto!

Naruto(frown): According to my mother, Uzumaki's must always and always priorities their families first before anyone else.

"But you, you come to attack a Clan member. You have no regard in attacking another Uzumaki.

"You are a disappointment and a shame to the Clans name. And for that, I will kill you and rid the Uzumaki Clan of it's rotten fruit."

But the Toad Sannin don't want to lose his first student again, so he tried to convinced Nagato.

Jiraiya: Nagato, please listen to reason. What you are doing is sending this world to it's destruction. You have to stop it now before it's too late.

Naruto wave some handseals.

Naruto: (Fuinjutsu: Telepathy! Girls, can you hear me?)

Fiancee: (Yes, Dear. We can hear you. What is it?)

Naruto: (I want to asked you a favor. As I can't leave here, I want you to go and search for the place 2-3 Mile's outside Konoha.

"Find Nagato and capture him. I will leave this mission to you. You 4 are the most i trust in this village except for my mother.")

Fiancee: (Leave it to us, Naru-koi. We won't fail you.)

Naruto: (I will leave our communication open, tell me when you find his hiding place and be careful. Bail out if it's too dangerous, alright?)

Ino/Haku/Temari/Anko: (Yes!)

His fiancee's bodies, presence and Chakra signature disappeared without a trace thanks to Naruto's [Fuinjutsu: Stealth].

This Fuinjutsu not only hide the body, presence, and Chakra signature, even the smell and killing Intent is vanished.

Stealth is a high level Fuinjutsu and only Naruto can create it due to its complexity. Aside from him is Kushina, as he thought it to her.

Not even Minato nor Jiraiya knows it and it rivals the [Null] of the 2nd Tsuchikage, Mu.

As his fiancee's are jumping from a tree to another to find the Paths real body, Jiraiya is doing his best to convinced his student to forget his path of revenge.

Unfortunately, Nagato just won't listen to him and instead promise to destroy Konoha for killing his parents and bestfriend and to capture the Sanbi and Kyuubi Jinchuurikis's.


Nagato: (Konan was captured and 2 of my Paths are now out for the count. This bastard Kaido is more troublesome and dangerous than I thought.

"Hm? I'm sensing 4 presence coming my way (must be his Rinnegan making him a good sensor). Looks like I underestimated Konoha's persistence.)"

The real body of the 6 Paths, Uzumaki Nagato, is hiding in a tree made of paper. Even though the caster, which is Konan, is unconscious, her Jutsu still remains. This proves of her high Chakra Control.

[Location: Outside of Konoha]

Ino: (Guys! I sense a strong presence! It's about a mile away to my right, it could be him. Please rendezvous with me.)

Harem Sisters: (In the way now!)

Naruto: (Just remember to be careful. I don't want you girls to get hurt.)

Harem Sisters: (You train us, Hon. Please trust us, we are strong. But we will listen to you. We love you!)

The girls went to Ino's location to rendezvous.


Animal Path: Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

The Animal Path slam both of his hands to the ground and 2 giant smokes appeared.

From the smokes, came out 2 giant Summon Animals. 1 us a brown cow and the other is a reddish dog with 3 heads and a pair of wings.

 1 us a brown cow and the other is a reddish dog with 3 heads and a pair of wings

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Both Summons have Chakra rods pierce to their bodies and Rinnegan eyes

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Both Summons have Chakra rods pierce to their bodies and Rinnegan eyes.

As the 2 Summons run to attack Naruto, Jiraiya do some handseals, slam his hands to the ground and shout.

Jiraiya: Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

Another giant smoke exploded. The one inside the smoke sense his 2 enemies approaching him and so, he draw the blade that was strap in his waist.

The new summon jump out and cut the cow summons neck in a flashing speed and removing it's neck.

The giant Summon is a giant reddish Toad with a scar in its left eye and is wearing a blue hair with a giant giant strap in its waist, it was the boss of the Toad Summon Animals. Gamabunta.

A/N: To Be Continued...

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