Ch. 25; The Death of Kisame

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Ch. 25: the death of kisame

The Super Shark Bomb collide with the Preta Path Absorption Barrier and both Jutsu fight for dominance.

The Super Shark Bomb has the ability like the Gakido. It can also absorb the Chakra of the enemy, and the more it absorb, the bigger it gets and the stronger it becomes.

Truly a Super Suiton Jutsu, indeed.

Naruto/Kisame: Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!

Both Shinobi scream as their god-like Jutsu explode in a draw. Both of them also manage to swallow the enemies Chakra which replenish their own.

While it didn't help much to Naruto, it was the opposite for Kisame. Since Chakra is the foundation of the Shinobis life, even a little bit was helpful to him.

Kisame recovered a little, just enough to create one final Jutsu.

Kisame: (I can only create one more Suiton Jutsu, this is a gamble even for me. I just hope this works or it's the death of me).

While Kisame was having a monologue on his own. The 2 teams were stunned at the exchange of the two.

Especially the members of Team 7, they were to glad to get behind Naruto fast, or else their bodies would've been devoured by the Giant Water Shark and get shredded.

They shivered just thinking about it. Praise their luck for moving faster.

Naruto: Ladies, are you okay?

Fiancee's: We are fine, Naruto. How about you?

Naruto: Yes, I'm okay, too. Anyway just stay behind me, I'll take of Shark Face here.

Fiancee's(nod): Be careful, Darling~!

Naruto: Well do, Sweethearts~! (Kisame) You are indeed strong, Kisame-san, I take back what I said before. Well then, shall we begin round 2?

Kisame: Yes, let's, Naruto-san. (Handseals) Suiton: Dai Bakusui Shoha (Big Wave Explosion)!

 (Handseals) Suiton: Dai Bakusui Shoha (Big Wave Explosion)!

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Kisame expel a large-no-a massively large amount of water from his mouth. The water become a tidal wave that swept everyone around and form into a giant water dome.

Everyone was imprison inside. Kisame being a half human, half shark move and breath normally inside. Heck, he can even speak like a true citizen of the water.

Naruto was surprise by the guy. He doesn't look like a bonafide human if he can breath and speak underwater. But he and his girls still watch the enemy calmly and begun analyzing him.

Then, Kisame did the unthinkable. He begun to merge with his sword, the Samehada. His skin color change from blue to Grey, the fins are now connected to his elbows, the one behind his back is also connected to his head. He also grow a tail that do not look like a shark tail. (I don't know how to describe him well, so just do with this, guys.)

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