Ch. 13 : Nigh-Invulnerability

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Ch. 13: nigh-invulnerability

Hiruzen(nod): thats right, Uchiha Madara used the same technique before to fight Hashirama-sama during the war in the

Warring era. The power of it is too strong that the full-form Susanoos slash can rival the Kyuubis Bijuudama.

Everyone was shock at how scary the humanoid avatar the little Uchiha summon. Though its only at the 1st level of its form, they expected some surprise from it.

Sasuke controlled the 7 meter tall Susanoo and its gigantic fist hit Naruto, Naruto got burried alive and it made a meter-deep small crater. Sasukes war avatar keep on punching the blonde as he got burried deeper and deeper into the ground.

The others are starting to worry for Naruto. But then, for some unknown and unexplainable reason, his fiancees suddenly squeal and cheered which distracted the everyone.

Their questions finally got an answer when Naruto come out from the crater uninjured from under the ground like nothing happened. He wiped the dirt stuck in his body and clothes and look at the dumbstruck Sasuke.

No one can blame him as the others share the same reaction as him. They share the same disbelief when Naruto shake off the Susanoos attack like it didnt affect him one bit.

Sasuke and everyone are dumstruck!

Naruto: So... Anything else?.......... None? Okay, my turn then.

Naruto summon hus Sky Smasher mace and transform into his Dragon-Hybrid form.

Naruto: Boro Breath!

He roar a powerful Draconic breath that hit the Susanoo Avatar in its chest and make a big hole in it. Naruto smirks.

Naruto: Soru!

Carrying his Sky Smasher mace, Naruto blitz into the hole created by his Dragon Hybrid breath. Upon entering, he saw Sasuke looking at him with a shock expression. And then-

Naruto: Smash!!!

He swung his dangerous iron-spike mace and hit Sasuke in his chest. Thankfully, Naruto didnt coat his weapon with Armament Haki or the Uchiha would have been in a coma, unsure when he will wake up.

Sasuke was thrown out from his supposed to be 'ultimate defense', hit the ground and lost his conciousness. The Susanoo Avatar also disappeared after its creator leave its body.

Fiancees(squeal): YOU'RE THE BEST, BABY!!

The others also were shock at the defeat of the crown 'prodigy' and the last loyal Uchiha. The power of his Dojutsu were indeed powerful, and heck scary even, but in the end he was still defeated.

The power of Kaido Naruto has long been proven, and todays victory just added to his list of accomplishment, nothing important to him anymore.

Kushina: yayyy! Naru-chan won!

Menma/Naruko(gulp): (what the hell! Isnt he too strong?! How did he achieve that kind of strength?!)

A loud gulp was release by the twins.

Jiraiya: im afraid none of us is his equal anymore. He has reach a level that none of us can reach, only his Fiancees and Kushina can. Probably.

Minato have a sad look as he look down on the ground.

Minato: (i am a failure of a father. I have neglected him too much, even give his right as the Heir of the Namikaze Clan to his brother Menma. I cause him too much hardship because of my biased decisions. Im sorry, Naruto. Im sorry.)

Tears escape in his eyes unseen by the others, except for his Sensei. Jiraiya. The Toad Sannin upon seeing his students tears felt like his heart is breaking. He was the reason that the once happy family breaks.

His jumping to conclusion without thinking and double-checking if the Prophecy was truly pointing to the 2 younger UzuKaze had cause the neglect to their eldest.

Jiraiya: (this is all my fault, im truly stupid! If i had not suggested to neglect Naruto and focus on training his 2 younger siblings and instead help him train by sending Shadow Clones, none of this would have happened. Im truly sorry, Minato. Forgive me.)


After 30 minutes, Sasuke woke up. His eyes scan the people surrounding him, until his eyes stop as he found the guy he is looking for. Naruto. His eyes narrowed as he is frowning.

Sasuke: what did you do? How come you are uninjured after getting punch by my Susanoo?!

The Uchiha demanded as he needed an answer, he needs to know. As strong as Naruto is, he believe in his Ultimate Defense completely. But facing Naruto, all of his Dojutsus ability has been proven ineffective against the blond.

Except for Narutos fiancees, everyone also look at him with eyes full of curiousity and also waiting for his answer. He smile at them.

Naruto: it is really simple. My Kings Haki isnt just about attacking my opponents soul and render them unconcious, I can also coat my body with. Its like wearing an invisible, impenetrable and super thick armor. There is nothing you can do to harm me.

Sasuke gnashing his teeth and is looking at Naruto with both jealousy and hatred.

Sasuke: i demand you to teach it to me, Naruto!

Naruto was amused at his reaction. The feeling of being superior than the arrogant Uchiha prick is intoxicating.

Naruto(amuse): Nope! Oh, my girlfriends know both Observation and Armament Haki, arent they adorable?

His Fiancees have a smug expression in their faces which irritate Sasuke even more.

Naruto(Kushina): Mom, do you also want to learn Haki and Rokushiki Taijutsu? My fiancees and i can teach it to you if you want.

Kushina was shock at first when she heard her eldest offered to teach her his Haki and Taijutsu, then her shock turn to excitement and happiness.

Kushina: Really? You will teach your Haki and Taijutsu to me, Naru-chan?!

Naruto(nod): only if you are willing.

Kushina(clap her hands): Im willing, im willing! When do we start?! Where are we going to train?! Im excited to have a Mother-Son bonding with you, Dattebane!

Minato/Menma/Naruko: can we learn too?

Ask the UzuKaze trio. But Naruto refuse to teach them anything. Then-

Naruto: No, i havent forgiven you, yet.

Tsunade/Jiraiya: what about us?

Naruto(Tsunade): if you teach us that Byakugou Seal, ill teach you 3 moves of my Rokushiki. Deal?

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Sorry for not uploading a chapter in the last few days, i was in the hospital as my father have a high Sugar Level according to the doctor. But ill try to upload more next time.

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