Ch. 9 : The True Criminals

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Ch. 9: the true criminals

Everyone frown at the 3 advisors words.

Naruto: what are you plotting now, you 3 antiques?

His words earn his groups snickers, even the adults chuckled at how disrespectful Naruto is towards the 3 old schemers. Hiruzen even join them which irk the 3.

Koharu: don't interfere, boy! You may be known as the God of Shinobi, but you are not allowed to speak when the Hokage and us are talking!

Homura: mind your manners and learn your place, Kaido brat!

Danzo: this is for the greater good of Konoha.

Danzo, the old mummy, speaks without emotion. Naruto and his fiancees vanish by Soru, as they took action.

Ino apearred behind Koharu and lock her arms, Anko appeared before her and kick her stomach and she throw up blood before she was release from Inos grip.

Haku did the same as Ino and lock Homura's arms to stop him from moving. Temari stood in front of the old man and punch his gut as he also cough up blood.

Naruto is more brutal as he rapid punch Danzo in the face until his face is full of black and blue marks.

The 3 Hokages and the others eyes widen in great shock as they are watching the Team Harem brutally beat the 3 old fossils. Hiruzen couldn't rake it anymore and react.

Even if he didn't like how his 3 old friends turns out over the years and not able to see eye to eye for so long, he still consider them his friends, sort of.


Naruto: jiji, you know that my Observation Haki can detect lies or if someone is plotting something, let's say, harmful, right?

Hiruzen nod.

Naruto: Well, I detect some 'funny' feelings from these 3.

Koharu(cough): Li-lies! We would never!

Ino glare at the old woman.


Koharu cower in fear.

Naruto: if you want to, Ino-hime here can read their minds now, as I also want to learn what they hiding.

The 3 old people tried to refuse and protest to the Hokage as that is something called: Invasion of Privacy.

Tsunade and Hiruzen believe in Naruto and veto the advisors protest. Ino proceed to do her thing and read the 3 suspects minds, she was surprised and she had a look of horror in her face at what she just learn.

After cancelling the jutsu, she relay it to the others. They too saw what Ino saw, but unlike her instead of horror theirs are anger. They want to kill the 3 old foggies.

Kushina, Kakashi, Sasuke and Hiruzen just learn that it was them who expose the right way to bypass the whirlpools of Uzushio to Iwa, Kumo and Kiri and was successfully invade the Uzumaki homeland.

Killed Hatake Sakumo and not suicide, unlike what the investigation had said. They are also the one responsible for the Uchiha massacre which killed even the innocent Uchiha civilians and pin the deed to Itachi.

Hiruzen didn't want to believed that his 3 former friends would go behind his back and commit many horrendous acts. Not only are they responsible for the many deaths of their allied village which resulted in 2nd shinobi war, they are also responsible for the massacre of the Uchiha clan. A founding clan of Konoha.

The 4 are clenching their fist and gritting their teeth, if there is one thing they wish to do right now, it us to kill these 3 old shits.

Kushina speak in a cold and menacing voice that sends shiver to the others spine.

Kushina: so it was you 3 huh? The one responsible for the fall of my home village and the deaths of my people? DEATH!

Kakashi is also emitting a dark and cold aura. For a moment, he has return to his time when he was in Anbu. The cold-blooded Copy-Ninja Kakashi. He has unconsciously scared his team.

Kakashi: so, my father was killed and didn't commit suicide, I see. Then Konoha be damned, these 3 and the root Anbu will die by hand!

Sasuke on the other hand has his eyes evolve into that of Mangekyo Sharingan and was flaring it and glaring hatefully to the 3 suspects.

Sasuke: I know that something is wrong that night when Itachi cried. My brother, my Clan, I will kill you!

They attack the 3 old relics, but Danzo-


Naruto: not so fast, old mummy! (Kings Haki)!

The Root Anbu attacking them fall to the ground unconscious. Then, the 3 rage Shinobis killed the Root Ninjas one by one. After killing them, which didn't even lessen the anger the felt, walk to the 3 foggies.


Kushina's hair float and resembles that of the Kyuubis tail which always confuse her children on how she can do it.

Kakashi: you're all ready to die, right?!

His dark aura intensifies even more, scaring both Koharu and Homura.

Sasuke: my eyes evolve to the next level, and I feel I should thank you. Don't worry, I will give a painless death.

They are about to kill the Hokages advisors when Narutos Observation Haki kick in. He suddenly saw his girlfriends being controlled by Danzo.

Danzo has a Mangekyo Sharingan transplanted in his right eye just like Hatake Kakashi. His right arm also has the 1st Hokages cells and 10 other Normal Sharingan eyes embedded. Creepy!


Naruto appeared behind Danzo and removed his right eye before he and everyone could react.

They were stunned but even more surprise when they saw that in Narutos hand was a Sharingan eye.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Dint forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks. 

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