Ch. 29 : Yin/Yang Kyuubi Vs Dragon Naruto

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Ch. 29: Yin/Yang Kyuubi Vs Dragon Naruto

Kakashi: You're wrong, Obito. The I attack was the Kiri Anbu, but Rin jump in between us and took my Raikiri. She doesn't want to return to Konoha and become the cause for the village destruction, so she took my Jutsu.

"It was her decision, her will of fire to protect Konoha. If you continue to deny Rin's sacrifice and continue on your path of Destruction, then as your friend and former teammate, I will take you down myself."

Kakashi wave handseals and his hand spark in blue lights. A blue electricity glow in his right hand.

Obito(laughing): Do you really think that you have cornered me just because of this 'Anti Space-Time Barrier'? (He look at Menma and Naruko & sneered) Come Out, Kyuubi!

Using his Mangekyou Sharingan, Obito pulled out the 2 Kyuubi in their Jinchuuriki's. Team Dragon who have mastered the advanced form of Observation Haki: 10 seconds Foresight (change its name from: 10 seconds future sight) know that he intend to release the 2 Kyuubi and control it to attack them.

But, Team Dragon just let it happened and not stop him because they want to try fighting the Legendary Bijuu who is the strongest of it's kind.

Menma and Naruko screamed as their bodies glow in orange chakra that belongs to that beasts. Feeling that the 2 Kyuubi are about to come out, Naruto command his clones.

Naruto: Expand the barrier for about 2 miles. Make sure that it's stable, so this bastard can't escape. HE. WILL. DIE. HERE!

Naruto(clones): YES, BOSS!

The 4 Naruto Clones do what the original asked to them and begun to run in 4 different directions while making sure that the barrier is stable and firm.

After a while, the barrier stop expanding. The Naruto clones also poured a lot of chakra to make sure that not even the 2 Kyuubi can destroy it.

As the barrier stood firmly, the Yin and Yang Kyuubi were release successfully. Their eyes transformed from slit-pupil to blood red Sharingan, indicating that the 2 Bijuu's are fully under Obito's command.

Team 7 + Itachi were shocked at the scene in front of them, only Team Dragon remain calm.

Naruto: Ladies, please take everyone especially my siblings outside the barrier, you are safe there. My Kage Bunshin will open a way for all to leave.

Fiancee's(nod): Goodluck, sweetheart.

The girls kiss him one by one before they follow his clone. It opened a small way so they can leave.


Obito(laughing maniacally): Did your title as the new [God of Shinobi] get to your head, Uzumaki? No, you're called Kaido Naruto now, right? No matter who you are, fighting 2 Kyuubi alone is impossible, unless you are Uchiha Madara or Hashirama Senju!

Naruto(smirk): Well then, why don't I show you how I, Kaido Naruto, surpassed those 2 Legendary Shinobi? Soru!

Spectators: HOW MANLY!!!

Naruto vanished, then appeared in mid-air. He then begun transforming into his full Dragon form and release a powerful roar full of Authority, Power and Pride.

His form and vigority shock and awe everyone watching him.

Naruto fly higher and higher until the 2 Kyuubi can't reach him anymore. He open his mouth and a powerful pressure was felt that even Obito started panicking.


Naruto release a huge and powerful Dragonic Breath of concentrated fire. The crimson pillar charge faster than Swift Release to the 2 Bijuu's.

Kakashi(wide eyes): Th-thats huge!

Obito(panic): OH SHIT! Kyuubi swallow me, fast!

The Yang Kyuubi grab Obito and swallow him. The Shinobis outside the barrier sweatdrop at the end boss's reaction.

The crimson pillar finally arrived and hit the 2 Kyuubi causing a huge explosion inside the barrier. The Bijuu's scream in great pain as the people outside shivered upon hearing the 2 beasts painful howl.

They are also thankful that the barrier withstand the Draconic roar.


Kushina is washing the dishes after eating lunch when she felt the Chakra of the Kyuubi being released. The plate she is washing drop and broke.

Kushina(nervous): Thats the Chakra of the Kyuubi! Oh no! Naruto, Menma, Naruko, please be safe, mama is coming with back-up! Please hold on my babies!


As the dust settled, everyone saw the 2 Kyuubi weaken, full of wounds and struggling to stand-up.

A/N: Booooommmmm! Chapter 29 is done! I hope you will like the story, my friends. Adios!

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