Ch. 31 : Back-up has Arrived

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Ch. 31: back-up has arrived

Itachi: A-amazing!

Kakashi: He just used the same technique as Minato-sensei!

Everyone were shock and in awe at Naruto's ability in Fuinjutsu. To transfer a Bijuu's strongest offensive technique, it is simply amazing

And not just one, but two Bijuudama (Tailed Beast Bomb).

Sakura: Wh-what was that just now?

Sasuke: He call it Fuinjutsu! Does that mean, if you reach Fuinjutsu Seal Master level, you can transfer even the Bijuu's strongest technique?

Kakashi(nod): It's possible, Yes. But only if you have reach Level 10 Seal Master level, because it's so complex. Naruto being an Uzumaki is one of the reason why he reach that stage at an early age.

Itachi(nod): That's right. And Uzumaki's are famous in many things too.

Sasuke/Sakura: What things?

Itachi: Yes. They are famous in their High Chakra level at birth, the Adamantine Chakra Sealing Chains, Fast Healing, Sturdy Body, Kenjutsu (Sword Art) and Fuinjutsu (Sealing Art).

"This are also the reason why, during the 2nd Great Ninja War the Iwa (Rock), Kumo (Cloud) and Kiri (Mist) banded together to destroy the homeland of the Uzumaki, the Uzushiogakure."

Kakashi: Uzushiogakure is an Island only the size Half of Konoha and with a population of not more than 20,000. The battle continue for a few days until the island was completely destroyed.

"Even then, the 3 Great Villages didn't get a single scroll or money in the famous Uzumaki Vaults, and only a few platoons left in the original 100,000 army of Shinobi's."

Sakura(wide eyes): A-arent they Suuuperrr amazing then?!

Sasuke gulp and nod as well.

Naruto's fiancee's smile proudly knowing that their boyfriend is walking the same path of greatness like his Ancestors and Clansmen.


The 2 Kyuubi roar angrily after seeing that their attacks were transfered to another location.

Naruto didn't care at all as he is free-falling towards the 2 Bijuu. Naruto then transform to his Hybrid-Dragon and summon his Sky Smasher to his hand.

 Naruto then transform to his Hybrid-Dragon and summon his Sky Smasher to his hand

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Naruto: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)!

A Kage Bunshin appeared next to him and the 2 are falling together. Then-

Naruto/KB Naruto: Geppo!

The two kick the air several times and move in flashing speed. They stop just above the 2 Kyuubi's head before the lifted their weapon and clad it in Armament Haki and Kings Haki.

Naruto is in front of the Yang Kyuubi and his Kage Bunshin is in front of the Yin Kyuubi.

Naruto/KB Naruto: 3 Realms: Ragnarok!


Naruto and his Clone smashed their Haki clad weapon and hit the 2 Kyuubi's head. The strong impact cause the 2 Bijuu to face-planted to the ground.

Then, Black Lightning from the King's Haki are scattering everywhere. It's like it's hunting it's prey that they can hit and render them unconscious.

Obito, even though he is inside the Yang Kyuubi, he felt the impact of the King's Haki. He cough up blood and almost lost his conciousness.

But his will for revenge and the completion of the Tsuki no Me Keikaku (Eye of the Moon Plan) to meet his dead crush is the only reason why he is still awake.

Obito(panting): Huff huff, I will not be defeated and die here, not inside this beast. I will live and invoke the Mugen Tsukuyomi (Infinite Moon Reader)! Wait for me Rin, I'm so close to seeing you.

While Obito is thinking of a way to scape, Minato's group had arrived. After seeing the massive explosion from the distance on their way to the Battlefield, Minato Hiraishin them to Menma and Naruko's Hiraishin mark.

Minato: Kakashi, what's the situa-

He didn't get to finish his question when he heard his wife, Kushina breakdown.

Kushina(crying): Menma! Naruko! My Children! (Sobbing) Nooo!!! What happened to you two???!

She hug her two Children who are now Cold Corpse while crying.

Jiraiya: No! No! No! My Grandkids!!! Who is it?! Who did this?!

Even the usually goofy Godfather show his anger for once. He is really close to the two kids especially to Menma who is like his real Grandson.

Seeing their anger and the corpse of his two kids, Minato's aura spike suffocating everyone except the Jonin's, Sannin and Team Dragon.

Minato: Kakashi, Report! Now!

Everyone gulp as they feel the oppressive aura he is releasing.

Kakashi(gulp): Hai! We managed to convinced Uchiha Itachi to return to Konoha with us and serve as a Shinobi once again. We also, no, Team Dragon also managed to kill Hoshigali Kisame, a Kiri Missing-nin.

"But then, aasked member of the Akatsuki came and use his Sharingan to released and control the 2 Kyuubi from Menma and Naruko.

"Naruto then created 4 Kage Bunshin and told them to erect an [Anti Space-Time Barrier]. He told us to leave the Barrier so he can fight the 2 Bijuu without worrying for us.

"Also Sensei, there is something important you need to know about that masked man in the Akatsuki."


Everyone(shivering): (She is really scary!)

Kakashi(gulp): He is inside in one of the Kyuubi. Also, he is Uchiha Obito, my former teammate and your student, Minato-sensei.

Back-up Group: WHAT?!

A/N: Ara Ara, now they finally know the identity of the Masked Man who was responsible for the attacked 16-17 years ago. Will they believed it though? Stay tune and Thank You for Reading.

Also, Please support my new Story, Tittle: Garan Mask.

Also, Please support my new Story, Tittle: Garan Mask

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