Ch. 45 : Destroying The Naraka Path

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Ch. 44: Destroying The Naraka Path

[Tsunade and Team 8 & 10]

The Naraka Path Corpse Puppet is running away and heading to the Market Area while swatting and killing the Civilians who have failed evacuate on time.

Tsunade, Team 8 (except Hinata) and Team 10 followed him with an angry expression as they saw the many people who died wherever he went.

Tsunade: That bastard! How dare he kill the innocents who can't even fight back and defend themselves!

Asuma: Don't worry, Tsunade-sama. We will make sure that the bastard will not escape anymore and pay for his atrocious action.

Kurenai: Akatsuki have no morals! They don't differentiate between Ninja's and Civilians and just kill them all!

Shikamaru(sigh): Troublesome. Why are we the one that was assign to stop an Akatsuki member again? Shouldn't a group of Anbu or the Clan Heads do this instead?

Kiba: Stop being lazy, Shikamaru! Naruto assign this mission to us because he knows that we can stop the enemy! And we will not disappoint him!

Shino: Kiba-kun is right. Why? Because I believe that Naruto-san believe in our abilities to defeat the Reviver Path and use this factor and assign us against our enemy.

Choji(nod): (munch) They are right, Shikamaru. We have to (munch) do this.

Shikamaru(sigh): What a drag...

Tsunade(smile): Glad that you kids understand your responsibilities. Now, enough talking, it is time to end this bastard. [Soru]!

Tsunade vanished in a speed a level faster than Shunshin and appeared behind the biggest of the Paths.

She grab the puppets hair and pulled him back. With her remaining free hand she also grabbed his waist and lift him up.

The Naraka Path struggle to get free, but to no avail. With Tsunades monstrous super strength, she easily throw the enemy to the air.

Tsunade: Kiba! Choji! Do it!

Kiba(smirks): You're Dead! Oh, you're already dead... Let's go, Akamaru!

Akamaru(dog): Bark Bark (Ready when you are, Fool)!

Kiba: .....You don't have any respect me, boy?

Akamaru: .....Bark (Guess so).....

Kiba: [Inuzuka-Ryuu: Jinju Konbi Henge: Sotoro (Inuzuka-Style: Human Beast Transformation: Double Headed Wolf)]!

Kiba: [Inuzuka-Ryuu: Jinju Konbi Henge: Sotoro (Inuzuka-Style: Human Beast Transformation: Double Headed Wolf)]!

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When the smoke disappeared, in place of Kiba and Akamaru is a gigantic dog with 2 heads. An [Orthus] in Greek Mythology!

With it's menacing voice, it said.

Orthrus: Time to make a minced meat out if you, you Bastard! [Garoga (Fang Wolf Fang)]!

Orthrus: Time to make a minced meat out if you, you Bastard! [Garoga (Fang Wolf Fang)]!

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Choji: Leave it to us, Tsunade-sama. [Baika no Jutsu: Full Size (Expansion Jutsu: Full Size)]!

Orthrus jump to the airborne enemy and spin it's body like fast drill

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Orthrus jump to the airborne enemy and spin it's body like fast drill. Choji too, with his gigantic body took a karate stance and apply a large amount of Chakra to his right fist.

Then, he cock his hand before he deliver a devastating punch opposite to Kiba.

Then, he cock his hand before he deliver a devastating punch opposite to Kiba

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The impact from the 2 attack that hit the Naraka Path cause a Shockwave that blow the others and the debris.

However, they frown when they saw that the enemy is still alive. Kiba and the Naraka Path landed simultaneously.

Without wasting their comrades efforts, Shikamaru use his [Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Binding Jutsu)] and capture the still groggy enemy.

Shikamaru: [Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Binding Jutsu)], complete! Asuma-sensei!

Asuma: Nice job! My turn!

Asuma cover his trench knives with [Wind Chakra Element] to make it sharper than ordinary weapon before severing the enemy's head.


The head of the Naraka Path roll down to the ground and it's body stop moving. Dead.

Tsunade: Thank you and good job, guys! We have defeated one of our enemy invaders thanks to you. Now then, let's go and provide back up to the others.

Team 8/10: Hai, Hokage-sama!

Kurenai: .....(Damn, Author. Didn't give me a role to contribute to the teams victory!)

(A/N: I'll try to give you a role and make you useful next time...✌️)

A/N: To Be Continued...

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