Ch. 19 : Team Dragon Vs Kakuzu

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Ch. 19: team dragon vs kakuzu

After the immortal Hidan died in the hands of Kaido Naruto, Kakuzu was terrified to stay and fight. He was about to run to escape the God of Shinobi when the rest of Team Dragon, Kushina, Tsunade and 2 unknown red haired women surrounded him.

The women that Naruto brought prevented him from running away. Now, Kakuzu have no choice but to stay and fight if he wants to live, but it won't be easy.

Kakuzu(snort): Kaido Naruto and his women, Uzumaki Kushina the 4the Hokages wife, Senju Tsunade the 5the Hokage and 2 unknown red heads, probably Uzumaki's. Quite a line for a back up and so many heads with bounty.

"hmp! I am not the same as that fool Hidan. You cannot kill me so easily just because you have me surrounded and outnumbered. I have more experience in fighting than you, even before you kids were born.

Team Dragon and the 2 older women simply look at him without fear, they are experience in battle and have their fair share of fighting strong opponents, fighting Kakuzu is just one enemy to add to that list.

All except the 2 red heads, they are currently shaking from fear. Karin is a Kunoichi, sure, but she is not a fighter type. She is a powerful sensor and healer but that's it.

Tayuya may be one of Orochimarus elite guards and have experience in fighting, but even she knows when she is outclass by her enemy. So yeah, their instinct told them that the enemy standing in front of them can kill them multiple times in just 10 seconds, that's why they are sweating buckets.

After killing Hidan, Naruto behead the immortals head and sealed it to a storage scroll. Then he turn around and look at the remaining lone Akatsuki member that was left.

Naruto: is that so? Then how about we put your experience to a test against our skills? Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (x4), Go!

Naruto Clones (x4): Hai, Boss!

After Naruto created 4 Shadow Clones and give them orders, the 4 Clones run to 4 different directions and begun to wave handseals.


The 4 Clones erected a Purple Barrier that trap both Naruto, Kakuzu and the rest of Team Dragon, Kushina, Tsunade, Karin and Tayuya.

Kakuzu: Shit! I got careless.

Naruto: well then, Girls, who wants to hunt another another Akatsuki? If you're up for it, just raise your hands.

Team Dragon: WE ARE! Leave him to us, sweety!

Said the excited ladies of Team Dragon.

Naruto(smile): alright, on your marks! Begin!

The 4 women disappeared using Soru. Seeing this Kakuzu have wide eyes.

Kakuzu: Kaido, you bastard! You Dare to treat me like an animal that you can just hunt?! You will pay for this!

Naruto smirk.

Anko appeared in front of Kakuzu with a piss expression.

Anko: No one curse at my man in front of me without getting bitten by my snakes! Sen' eijashu!

Multiple snakes come out from her coats sleeve and attack Kakuzu. Kakuzu being an experience fighter he is immediately Harden his skin using a Doton Jutsu causing the snakes to fail in bitting him.

Anko narrow her eyes and Kakuzu smirk, but Ino appeared behind him in a flash and apply Armamrnt Haki to his right leg before kicking Kakuzu.

Ino: Rankyaku!

Kakuzu(curse): Oh Shit!

Kakuzu failed to react in time and Ino's Storm Leg slashed his back, the Deadly Cut destroyed one of his heart.

Kakuzu is using a Forbidden Jutsu of Takigakure called: Jiongo, which he stole before he become a become a Rogue-Nin after failing to kill the 1st Hokage of Konoha.

The jutsu can give the user the ability to possess 5 hearts including his own. Each heart possess 1 Elemental Affinity each, meaning he can use all 5 main Elements.

(A/N: I don't know if I explain it right. Tell me if there's a mistake especially in the name of the Jutsu, cause I have my doubt, hehe.)

Kakuzu groan from the pain that he failed to remember that Anko is still standing in front of him. The Snake Mistress smirk as she coat the fangs of her snakes with Armament Haki.

The Snakes in her sleeve once again come out and bit the Akatsuki member, Kakuzu scream in pain as the snakes ignore his harden body. The poison of Ankos snake enter his body and destroyed his insides and destroying his second heart. 3 more left.

Kakuzu kick Anko but she managed to duck thanks to her Observation Haki: Future Sight. Kakuzu used the chance to jump and get away from the 2 Kunoichi, unfortunately it was a trap.

Temari(smirk): Futon: Super Cyclone!

A Super Size Tornado materialized and swallow Kakuzu. He was trap inside the ripping cyclone that shred one of his heart and crack the 4th heart. When the tornado disappeared Kakuzu fall down looking disheveled and gritting his teeth.

Temari(smirk): what's wrong? Can you still stand? Don't disappoint us, Mr. Akatsuki man.


He didn't get to finish his Jutsu because...

Haku: Hyoton: Piercing Ice!

A large sharp-pointed Ice pierce and penetrated Kakuzus body and finally destroyed his 4th heart.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Chapter 19 is finally done. If you like the Chapter Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks. 

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