Ch. 21 : S-Rank Mission, Team 8

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Ch. 21: s-rank mission, team 8

The group, upon landing before the gates of Konoha was overwhelmed when the people welcome them.

Almost all the population of the village was there to great the return of their 5th Hokage and heroes.

The group thank everyone who was there before they went to the Hokage tower. The first thing in the order they did, was to reinstate Tsunade back as the Hokage.

Then, she fulfill her promise of giving Karin and Tayuya their own house. House not apartment. The house also close to the UzuKaze compound which makes the 2 ladies happy.

Karin also joined as a medical nurse in the hospital and become Shizune's personal apprentice. As for Tayuya, she joined the T&I department and become Anko's favorite intern. The sadist and the foul mouth become best friends.

<Evening: UzuKaze Compound>

The family of 4 is sitting together in the living room.

Minato: Kushi-chan, how was yours and Tsunade-sama's training under Naruto and his team in Rokushiki Taijutsu? Did you learn it? Did you master it?

Kushina(grin): Yup, I did! I master all 6 styles, not only that, I also learn Observation Haki and Armament Haki. I'm not really good with Observation Haki yet, but Arment Haki is just my thing, I tell you.

Hearing the confirmation, Minato and the twins was relieved. Thinking that Naruto didn't put the protection seal on his own mother, they were filled with hope.

Menma/Naruko: Really, Mom?! Can you teach us?!


Kushina(sad): Sorry kids, but I can't. Naru-chan not only place 3 seals in my body but 4. The 4th Seal, was to deny me to teach what I learn from him to anyone, if I tried to the Seal will activate and erase everything I learn. So, I'm really sorry.

Reality is indeed cruel...their hope was instantly crushed. The 3 members just release a heavy sigh.

Menma(head hang down): I wonder when he will forgive us.

Naruko: It's our fault that he treated us like this. We really can't blame him if he choose to not to forgive us. We deserve it, after all.

Minato also looks down and a sad expression is written in his face. He blame himself for what happen to their family.

Minato: (If only... If only I didn't believe in that vogue prophecy, then none of this would have happen. We become a broken family because of my decision I made that day. I'm sorry, Naruto. I'm sorry, Son.)

Kushina saw their expressions and she knows that they are indeed sorry for what they did to her eldest son. But, in the end, it was Naruto's decision if he will forgive them.

Kushina: Naruto may not forgive you right away, but if you show him that you are sorry and sincere in your apology, then I'm sure he will forgive you.

The trio nodded, determine to earn the eldest UzuKaze siblings forgiveness.


A week later since their return and Tsunades reinstatement, Team Harem and Team 7 was called to the Hokages office for a mission.

They didn't know it yet, but the mission they're going to do will change their lives, as it involve 2 people that directly affect some of them.

<Hokage Office>

Knock Knock Knock

Tsunade: Come in.

From outside the door, they heard the voice of their Hokage telling them to enter. The 2 Teams open the door and saw Tsunade sitting in her desk dealing with the never-ending and undefeatable paperwork.

Tsunade: Aaahhh!!! Welcome, Team 7 and Team Dragon, I have a mission for your teams. I want you to go and find Uchiha Itachi and bring him back to Konoha safe and sound.

"I have pardon him and erase his missing-nin status in the Bingo Book, he is no longer a Rogue-nin of the village. Naruto, Kakashi, you 2 are the leaders of this mission and If there is no more questions, then you are dismissed."

Team Dragon/Team 7: Hai!

Kakashi: Since we don't have a clue where to find him, I want all of you to pack for a month worth.

Naruto: We leave in 2 hours, dismissed!

2 Teams: Hai!

While Team 7 is busy packing for their mission, Team Dragon is leisurely walking in the streets to kill time.

Thanks to Naruto, his fiancees reach level 5 in Fuinjutsu and learning a level 1 Storage Seal is not a problem at all. So all their things needed for their mission, they're always carrying them.

'Voice': Naruto-kun, Girls, Welcome back!

The 5 turn around and saw Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba + Akamaru and Aburame Shino, they are members of Team 8. Team harem also greet them.

Kiba: Yo! I heard you had an encounter with another members of the Akatsuki and save Asuma-senseis team? It's the talk of the village.

Shino: We heard it's the 2 immortals or the Zombie Brothers?

Hinata was worried.

Hinata: Are you all okay?

Naruto(smile): Yes, we are all okay. And indeed Shino, They are the Immortals of the Akatsuki.

Anko(smirk): But we killed them, hehe.

Ino: Piece of cake!

Said Ino while showing them a peace sign.

Haku and Temari also nodded.

Hinata: Uhm, Na-naruto-kun, ca-can I talk to you in private?

A/N: Yaaayyy, Chapter 20 is done. Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other fanfic works. Thanks. 

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