Ch. 40 : The True Nature of Pain/Konan's Kekkei Genkai

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Ch. 40: The True Nature of Pain/Konan's Kekkei Genkai

 40: The True Nature of Pain/Konan's Kekkei Genkai

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Naruto(smile): And that's one down. Who's next?

Before Tendo Pain could reply, Konoha back up has arrived one after another. Ino, Haku and Anko jump to his side.

Ino/Haku/Anko: Naru-kun, we're here!

Naruto(smile): Ahhh, my beautiful fiancee's, I have miss you.

Naruto hug them and the 3 blush.

Ino: S-stop it, Naru, it's embarrassing.

Haku: T-there're a lot of people watching.

Anko: A-and we just meet a while ago, remember?

Naruto: Hehe, who cares if they are watching. I want to hug and they can't do anything but drool while watching at us.

Everyone: Bastard is so lucky with ladies.

Menma/Jiraiya/Kakashi: Damn, I'm so jealous.

The UzuKaze family, the 3 Hokage, Team 7-10, Jiraiya, Itachi, Shinobi's and Anbu's all have arrived and surrounded Pein. Hinata also join them after helping the evacuation.

Seeing Tendo Pein , Jiraiya have a shocked reaction.

Jiraiya: Ya-yahiko?! Y-you, why do you have Nagato's Rinnegan?!

Everyone turn and look to Jiraiya. Sensing everyone's gaze, he answered.

Jiraiya: During the 2nd Great Shinobi War, I took in 3 War Orphans. An orange haired boy named Yahiko, a blue haired young girl named Konan and a red haired boy named Uzumaki Nagato.

The UzuKaze family, Naruto and his fiancee's were surprised to hear it. Then, Tsunade confirm what Jiraiya said.

Tsunade: I remember them! We meet them when we are tracking down Hanzo the Salamander!

Tendo Pein: So you still remember me huh, Jiraiya-sensei, Senju Tsunade. But we are enemies now, you stand in my way to attain peace for this God-forsaken world, so I will kill you and destroy Konoha.

"Then, I will capture the Sanbi (3) and Kyuubi (9) Jinchuuriki's, then the Ichibi (1) and finally the Hachibi (8).

"After I turn and mold them into weapons of Mass destruction, all the great villages will know what is pain and fear and will finally stop fighting. Peace will finally be obtain."

His plan shock everyone, including Jiraiya.

Jiraiya: So that is why you are capturing the Jinchuuriki's? To make your ideal weapon? To obtain peace through fear? Your idea of peace is twisted, Yahiko!

"You will only make the people resist your ruling and take arms once again! War will once again erupted and next time it'll be you against the entire Shinobi Nation's!

"Where did you put all my teachings I give you before? Wake up now, Yahiko! It still not too late for you to see your mistakes and turn over a new leaf!"

Tendo: For someone who has no clear answer on how to obtain peace, you sure like to talk big, Jiraiya-sensei. Unfortunately for you, I have already choose my path. And it's not the one you Invision me a long time ago.

Naruto(butt in): Actually, that is not Yahiko. He is just a corpse controlled and move by the true Rinnegan user. Isn't that right, Uzumaki Nagato?

Jiraiya and the others are confused, so Naruto explained.

Naruto: Rinnegan have the ability to share 6 of it's powers to 6 corpses and give them Pseudo-Rinnegan. They are also being move through those Chakra rods in their bodies. It acts as recievers.

"Meaning, the 6 Paths of Pain you are looking in front of you right now, including the one I just split in half are just dead people being used and move like a puppet by Nagato."

Shocked! Everyone is shocked! Corpses can be controlled? The heck! Corpses can be given Second-hand Ultimate Dojutsu? The Dojutsu of the Rikudo Sennin (Sage of the Six Paths)? Seriously?

Jiraiya: What are you saying, Naruto? Are you sayingthat Yahiko is already dead, and his friend Nagato is controlling his dead body? (Snap) STOP JOKING, GAKI! IF YOU THINK YOUR JOKE IS FUNNY, THEN GUESS WHAT?! IT IS NOT!

Ino, Haku, Anko and Hinata step forward to protect their boyfriend.

Naruto(sigh): Did you forget already, Toad Face? I have those same eyes, so I know. If you doubt my words, why don't you asked him yourself.

Tendo: Yahiko is indeed no longer here. But his will to make this world peaceful is still alive in me, Konan and the Akatsuki. I will make his dream come true, and anyone who try to stop me will die!

Jiraiya was sad on how his former student turn out.

Jiraiya: (Nagato, you idiot...)

Tendo: Kaido Naruto, what do you mean by what you just said about having the same eyes? Are you saying you also possess the same eyes as me?

Naruto(smirks): Same eyes? Yes. But unlike you, I develop myself from it's base form. The Sharingan. That's why I can turn it on and off.

"Yours was in fact transplanted by someone and was already in it's peak form. That's why you couldn't controll it and turn you into an invalid, poor guy.

Tendo: These eyes are mine and not someone else!

Naruto: You got drunk on its power, huh. I pity you, Uzumaki Nagato. And one more thing, I will not give you Isobu or Kurama. Dream on, bitch!

Kushina: Language, young man!

Naruto: S-sorry, mom...(scary)

Tsunade: Surround the Akatsuki! Don't let them escape!

The Ninja's follow their Hokage's orders and surrounded the Paths, weapons out.

Naruto: Ino, Haku and Anko. My Hime's, I want you 3 to go and support Temari-hime. She is currently in combat against the blue-haired Akatsuki woman.

"Whatever happens, bring her to Konoha alive. Hina-hime, I know that you have train hard in the past year but I want you to stay beside me so I can protect you, okay?"

Hinata(nod): Yes, Naruto-kun.

Ino(smile): Then, we will go.

The 3 give Naruto a kiss in the lips before disappearing to provide back-up to their Harem sister. Everyone is jealous watching them.

Everyone: This guy is living a life that all men desired to have.

Naruto(laughing): Are you jealous? Too bad~!

Everyone: Grrr! (Damn you, bastard!)

[Temari Vs Konan]

Konan's Kekkei Genkai is called Paper Release. She can reshape them, control them, even turning them into weapons and bombs is possible.

Konan is levitating in the air by turning her Papers into [Wings]. A very cool Bloodline.

Konan: [Paper Art: Thousand Paper Shuriken]!

True to her Jutsu, Thousands of Paper Shuriken's that darken the skies of Konoha rain down to Temari.

Every Shinobi in the area saw the Jutsu of the enemy and was shocked. None of them can move and was speechless.

But they were confused when they look at Naruto and saw how calm he was. In the Battlefield, Temari just stood in her place like her boyfriend, calmly waiting for the the Jutsu to get closer.

A/N: And Cut! To Be Continued...

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