Ch. 49 : Zetsu Clones Cause A Massacre

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Ch. 49: Zetsu Clones Cause A Massacre


The other 1,000 White Zetsu Clones come flooding in Konoha and attacking the Shinobi's and the other Civilians that haven't evacuated yet.

They are causing a lot of havoc and destruction in their invasion and killing a lot of people.

Kushina(shock): What are these things, 'ttebane?!

Kakashi: Even if they die, there is no blood! Are they really humans?!

Jiraiya: No! This things are not human! They are clones of the original, they belong to the member of the Akatsuki called Zetsu!

Said Jiraiya as he and the others are fighting and protecting the villagers and their village.

Tsunade(gasp): This feeling! It's the same as my Grandfather, Hashirama!

Hiruzen: Indeed, I have a feeling that they are made from Hashirama-sama's cells. Where they got? I don't know. Everyone, listen to me! Be careful of this things! There is a high possibility that they can use [Mokuton]!

Everyone(shock): What?!

The Konoha Shinobi's are doing their best to repel and destroy the puppet invaders. The Ninja's that reside in the village of Konoha were thought teamwork at the time they become Genin.

And now, they are using this said Teamwork to their enemies. That by working together, they will not be defeated. And the proof of that is the hundreds of bisected, my ilated and burn bodies of the enemies.

But they have misjudge something. They had underestimated the White Zetsu Clones ability to phase through the earth, travel and appear somewhere long distances.

200 Zetsu Clones travel underground and surfaced in the [Evacuation Bunkers]. The ones gurading the place where the majority of the Civilians are just the newly graduated Genins.

So when they saw the many numbers of enemies emerge from the ground, they panic.

Zetsu Clones 1: KeKeKe! So this is where you were hiding, eh?

Zetsu Clones 2: No more hiding, time for you to die. KILL THEM!

The 200 Zetsu Clones surrounded the scared-shit Civilians. But before they can attack, a voice of a young and courageous Genin were heard.

???: Katon: Haisekisho (Ash Pile Burning)!

A Genin with spiky-black hair and is wearing a green scarf step forward. He wave multiple hand seals before he breath out a thick column of ash.

Zetsu Clone 3: Huh? What's this? Are you trying to kill us with this ash? Lol, think again, fool!

???: 'Click'!

When he click his teeth, the harmless ash that surrounded a few couple of enemies turn into a massive fire that burns them.

The Zetsu Clones scream in pain as some of them got burn while the other got hit. And since they are made from woods, they burn so easily and brighty.

The Civilians look at who is the one that save them and saw Konohamaru and his team. The new Team 7 is here and ready to defend the Villagers and cause trouble to the invaders.

Civilian: Ooohhh! It's the Honorable Grandson of Sandaime-sama!

Civilian 2: W-we're saved! Thank God!

Konohamaru: Udon, Moegi! Go and inform my Grandfather of our situation here. Tell them that we need back-up, strong ones! Me and Hanabi will create a path for you and do our best to protect the Civilians. Now, Go!

Udon/Moegi(nod): We will return as fast as possible! Hold out until then!

Konohamaru/Hanabi: Of course!

Udon and Moegi run to the enemies that was blocking the entrance of the evacuation bunker. They didn't care if they bump into them, they have faith in their friends.

Zetsu Clone 4: Where do you think you're going, you Brats?!

Zetsu Clone 5: Who give you permission to leave, Un! You will remain here and die like the pest you are!

5 Zetsu Clone rush and plan to tackle the 2 Genin, but...

Konohamaru: Katon: Gokakyou no Jutsu (Great Fireball Jutsu)!

Hanabi: Jyuken: Air Palm!

The [Fireball] and the [Air Palm] hit the Zetsu's and kill them. The impact of the 2 Techniques created a path for the 2 Genin of the new Team 7 to escape the encirclement.

Udon and Moegi run with all their might without thinking of looking back. They have too inform either 1 of the 3 Hokage's about the enemies on the [Evacuation Bunkers] fast and ask them for back-up.

They can only trust in their comrades, that they will survive until reinforcements arrive.

[With Konohamaru]

They newly made Genins of Team's 5-10 surrounded the Civilians and blocking the enemies.

Konohamaru: Guys, get ready! This will be the biggest challenge we will face so far since we become Genins! Whatever happens, protect the villagers and... Survive!

Teams 5-10(yell): Ooohhh!!! The New Generation will never be defeated by this look alike people!

But the White Zetsu Clones just laugh at the Genins action, as they try to boast their morals.

Zetsu Clone 6(snicker): What can Kids like you do? Tap on my face? Ha!

Zetsu Clone 7: Come in, Kid. Hit here (show his left cheek). Go on. Don't be shy (smirk).

Konohamaru walk to the boastful Clone and wave some hand seal.

Konohamaru: You dare to underestimate the student of Kaido Naruto? You will pay for your mocking action! [Doton: Tsuchi no Ken (Earth Fist)]!

His right hand was covered by a thick layer of rock before he smash it to the surprise enemy. The Clone's head come off and he died right away.

Konohamaru: Awesome! Here's more, White Dudes! [Doton: Sou Tsuchi no Ken (Twin Earth Fist)]!

The aspiring Hokage is wracking havoc to the enemies and have killed a few. Hanabi joined him and used her Jyuken to sever the clones Chakra Tenketsu.

The other teams aren't one to be underestimated as well. They too join the Team 7 and lay waste to the approaching enemies.

Even the panicked Civilians Gain hope from their saviour's valor and decided to cheer. However, the number of the enemies are just to great and overwhelming.

No matter how many they killed, there are still more than a hundred Zetsu left. Soon, the Genins grew tired 😩 as the enemies attacked in all direction using [Zerg Rush Tactic].

The Genins and the Civilians were stun at the sheer numbers of the enemies doing a pincer attack.

Konohamaru: S#it! This is not good...

No matter how many the killed, they know that they couldn't saved all of the Civilians. When their defense got breach, the Zetsu's started killing the villagers.

Like a fish in the chopping board, they couldn't do anything to defend theirselves. The enemies show no mercy as many dead bodies and splattered blood are seen in the ground.

Even those that hide in the back of the group that think they are safe, are killed mercilessly.

When the 3rd Hokage and the back-uos arrived, only half of the village population are left alive. The Genins lost some groups as well, leaving only Team 7-10.

[To Be Continued...]

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