Ch. 20 : Killing Kakuzu

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Ch. 20: killing kakuzu

Kakuzu: Aaahhh!!!

Kakuzu, the pseudo-immortal and missing-nin of Takigakure(village hidden in the waterfalls) scream in pain as the sharp and big chunk of ice pierce his body and destroyed his 4th heart.

He couldn't believe and accept it that 4 women many decades younger than him were able to destroy 4 of his heart, a fit that no one was able to do, not even Hashirama Senju the first Hokage.

The Konoha ninja outside and the 2 Uzumaki women inside the barrier failed to utter a single word as they can only watch silently as Team Dragon dominate the Akatsuki member.

Kotetsu(gulp): A-a-amazing! They destroyed 4 of his hearts so fast, a thing we failed do and couldn't do. And Naruto, I can't believed he can kill an immortal. That loud bastard just won't die even if his head was decapatated, yet a single smash killed him. He is an immortal for Christ sake, a bonafide one!

Izumo: we are lucky that they are our allies.

They nod. Asuma and Shikamaru look at their student/team-mate and smile.

Asuma: (you've become stronger, Ino, I'm proud of you).

Shikamaru: (troublesome. I guess I have to put more effort in my training to catch up then. Sigh).

<Back To The Fight>

Kakuzu is panting and nervous as he tried to highten his senses. He only have 1 heart left and carelessness is the last thing he can have right now.

Naruto(smirk): What's wrong, Mr. Experience Man? You only have 1 heart left, right? Can you still dance?

Naruto smirk as he tried to provoke the Akatsuki member.

Kakuzu flinch hearing his taunt and it didn't escape from the others eyes, they also smirk and Kakuzu saw it.

The worst ones are Narutos girlfriends, they laugh at him. Kakuzu felt his anger rising as they mock him, his whole body turn black like iron in color as he charge to the women of Team Dragon.


Everyone watch as Kakuzu lost his cool and calmness and charge, blinded by his rage. But Narutos women are faster than him, they also vanish in a blinding speed.

Ino: Yoton: Lava Fist!

Anko: Dokuton: Poison Punch!

Ino, with her Lava arm Pierce Kakuzus chest and burn his insides. Anko, with her Venom Punch also Pierce Kakuzus abdomen, the poison directly went to his brain destroying it.

But they are not finish yet.

Temari: Futon: Beheading Wind!

Ino and Anko duck simultanuesly as Temaris fan went past them and cut Kakuzus head. Temari grab the bounty hunters head and sealed it to a storage scroll, then-

Haku: Hyoton: Shredding Blizzard!

Before the cruel blizzard materialized and destroy Kakuzus body, Ino, Anko and Temari jump to avoid being shredded. Then, a single snowflake show, then another appear, and another was accompanied by a gentle wind, till it become stronger.


The cruel and merciless blizzard is here, and the center?..... Is Kakuzus beheaded body! The blizzard, true to it's name, shred the body of the dead missing-nin until nothing is left. Unofficial mission to kill the Akatsuki members, complete.

If Kakuzu is still alive now? Maybe he would say: to think I will die in a place like this. But dying in the hands of the new God of Shinobi like Hashirama Senju isn't so bad either (chuckle). Who knows.


Hidan and Kakuzu, the Akatsukis infamous Zombie Brothers or Immortals meet their end in the hands of Kaido Naruto and his women. The 2 was Annihilated by Team Dragon completely.

Naruto smile and clap his hands.

Naruto: Good job, Girls. Each one of you skillfully and flawlessly destroyed 4 hearts before you all end him together, I am very proud of you.

Fiancees: We were taught by the best and the strongest in the world.

His women run and tackle him before showering him with kisses. The others can only smile their jealousy as they look at the sweet lovers exchanging saliva.

Asuma's group come forward and thank Team Dragon for arriving on time and save them even if it's only a coincedence.

Naruto: no need for thanks Asuma-san, it's only right to help each other when we need help. Also now, Akatsuki has lost 2 more members, we should celebrate it.

Asuma and his team nod. Now there's only one thing to do and that is to return home.

Team Dragon(women), Kushina, Tsunade, Karin and Tayuya chuckled knowing that it's time for 'that'. Asuma and his team was confused and look at them seeking an answer but no one give him the answer.

Naruto sigh then release a defeated laugh before he walk a few distance from the group and begun transforming into his full-Dragon form surprising Team Asuma.

Being first time Dragon rider, Team Asuma was excited, really excited. They couldn't hide and never bother hiding their excitement as the group fly back to Konoha.

Asuma(laughing): So this is how it feels to ride a Dragon and fly in the sky. Ahhhhh, the freedom, I love it.

Shikamaru(sweatdrop): Aren't you overreacting too much, Sensei? You sound like an old man.

Asuma: You can't say that, Shika, look at those two behind you. You should be like them and have fun.




Asuma laugh at their childishness while the others chuckled, Shika sigh as laughing is too troublesome for him.

After flying for a few miles the group saw the village of Konoha and it's gigantic gates. When Naruto landed and the group jump down they were surrounded and welcome by Minato, Hiruzen, Jiraiya and the people of Konoha.


A/N: hi guys, miss me? Chapter 20 is finally done. If you like the Chapter Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks. 

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