Ch. 35 : Tsunade Confess?

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Ch. 35: Tsunade Confess?


Zetsu: Leader-sama, I bring you bad news. Uchiha Itachi betrayed us and defected back to Konoha as one of their Shinobi.

"Hoshigaki Kisame has also fallen. The Sanbi Jinchuuriki, Kaido Naruto killed him along with his women's help. Lastly, Madara-sama was captured by Kaido Naruto as well."

Pain/Konan(shock): WHAT?!

Konan: I can't believe it. Madara was captured? What should we do now, Pain?

Pain: Don't worry, Konan, Zetsu. Kaido Naruto may be strong but he cannot defeat Pain, he cannot defeat God. 3 days from now, I will go to Konoha together with my other Paths. Konan, you will join me.

"Zetsu, I want you to go to Kumogakure and keep an eye on the Hachibi Jinchuuriki. Also, send 5 White Zetsu Clones to Sunagakure to watch the Ichibi Jinchuuriki.

"After i captured the Sanbi and Kyuubi Jinchuuriki's I will go and hunt the remaining Bijuu. Once we captured all 9 beasts, we will finally achieved peace."

Konan/Zetsu: Yes, Leader-sama!

Zetsu: (Hmp! Too bad for you, Nagato, but you won't get what you want. It is I who will achieved my dream of freeing mother from her prison.

"And when she is released, everything will return to what it once was thousands of years ago. All the scattered Chakra will return to mother once again, kukuku.")

[Konoha: Same Day]

Naruto went to the Hokage's tower alone to speak to Tsunade about Obito. When he enter, he saw the Hokage burried in the paperwork.

Naruto: Greetings, Hokage-sama (bow).

Tsunade(smile): What can I do for you, Naru-chan?

Naruto was caught off guard and raise his eyebrow.

Naruto: Na-naru-chan?

Tsunade(still smiling): Hehe, at the end of the day I am still your Godmother, right? And we did spend 1 year in [Sky Island] and become closer to each other. So, won't you forgive your Godmother, Naru-chan. Please?

Naruto: Your right. If you agree to my request then I will forgive you.

Tsunade(smirk): If you want my body then forgive me, I refuse. But if it's only touching, then sure go ahead.

Naruto's jaw hung in shock,. His reaction ammuse the beautiful Hokage. Then a voice was heard behind him.

Voice: Ahem!

The 2 look at the source of the voice and found Kushina with an annoyed expression in her face. Minato, Jiraiya, Menma, Naruko and an embarrassed Shizune.

Tsunade(blushing): Oops! Hehe.

The Anbu hiding in the ceiling chuckled at their lady Hokage's bad luck.

Kushina: Wh-what is the meaning of this, Nee-san?! Are also interested in-in-in my Sochi?!

Jiraiya(kneel on 2 legs): Noooo!!! Hime, please tell me it isn't true! Please tell me your just joking! That you aren't in-love with the Gaki!

Tsunade, Naruto, the UzuKaze's and the Anbu sweatdropped at Jiraiya's childishness.

Tsunade(smiling): Hehe, Why not? After all, Naru-chan is strong, kind, rich and treat his women well. He has all the qualities that every women are looking to a man.

"I may be old but with my Byakugou Seal + Genjutsu, I look like in my late twenties. And also, I like my Naru-chan not as a Godson but as a man."

Everyone was choked at her words.

Naruto(sigh): Troublesome.

Tsunade: Ara Ara, are you not interested in me, Naru-chan? Or feeling hot in your body when you look at me and my sexy, bombalicious body?

Menma: Damn, Nii-san. Share your luck to women to me too.

And his mother bonk him.

Kushina: She is your Godmother, you're not allowed to see her as a potential Life partner

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Kushina: She is your Godmother, you're not allowed to see her as a potential Life partner.

Naruto: I'm only here to make a request. I want to have Uchiha Obito's right Sharingan and turn it into another Rinnegan. I hope you can approve of my request, Hokage-sama.

His request didn't surprise the adults, they are expecting him to asked for it sooner.

Naruto: Don't worry, I will only asked for his right eye. His left eye is the eye of Uchiha Madara that he used to control the Kyuubi 16 years ago, I'm sure of it.

"You can have it, I don't have used for 'his' eye. What do you say, Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade(serious mode): Why do you want his eye, Naruto? Is it really to turn it into the Legendary Dojutsu, the Rinnegan? What is your plan or what are you not telling us?

Naruto just look at her and smile.

Naruto(smiling): To become the strongest in the world.

A/N: And Cut! I uploaded this Chapter at 20:05pm, December 25, 2022. Merry Christmas to everyone and Thanks for Reading.

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