Ch. 51 : The Death of Nagato and Black Zetsu

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Ch. 51: The Death of Nagato and Black Zetsu

Naruto: [Raimei Hakke (Thunder Bagua)]!



Naruto brought his Sky Smasher down and smash it to White Zetsu. Shiro got hit on the top of his head and was smashed and flatten to the ground.

Kuro (Black Zetsu) sense the death of his partner and stop (he is still under the ground). He looked back to Shiros direction before he turn around and continue to travel below the surface.

When Kuro sense Nagato's chakra, he knows that he has arrived near him. He resurface behind the self-proclaimed God and cling to him, bypassing Team Dragon (girls) guard and their Observation Haki.

Team Dragon(girls): Oh no! I'm sorry, Naru, we were too careless...


Kuro(smirks): KuKuKu! Stop resisting, Nagato. Right now, I am in complete control of your body, not you. Well then, let's stop wasting time and revive a more reliable tool, shall we?

But before Kuro managed to form the proper handseal that was necessary to revive Madara, Nagato manage to stop him using the last of his will.

Nagato(panting): Naruto! I know that we are enemies. But as you can see, I've been betrayed. No, I was merely a pawn he can used to fulfill his long term mission.

"I know that I am being unreasonable for this, but I want to ask you 2 things as a fellow Uzumaki! Please, hear me out!"

Kuro(gritting): Persistent Bug! Just die already so I can gain complete control over your body!

Naruto look at Nagato's eyes and saw his determination. Even if they are indeed enemies, he is still a Family. He couldn't just reject a request from a determine person.

Naruto(nod): Speak, Uzumaki Nagato and I will hear you. If your request is not unreasonable, I will do my best to help you fulfill them.


Naruto: No can do, I refuse. Nagato speak.

Nagato: Thank you, I will make it quick while I still have control over my body and stop him. First, please let Konan leave Konoha safely so she can become the Amekage of Amegakure and lead the people to a brighter future.

"Second, while I can still stop Black Zetsu from controlling me to revive Madara and escape, please take the Rinnegan. Then use your strongest attack to kill us both."

Naruto narrowed his eyes while the girls were shocked and his resolved. Kuro is also getting nervous and scared.

Kuro is aware that Kaido Naruto can slay immortal, just like Hidan was. How difficult it is to kill an Ancient, Ageless, yet Pseudo Immortal like him? Easy!

Kuro: Are you mad, Nagato?! Do you really want to sacrifice yourself just to stop my plans?! Can you really leave Konan alone in this Curse, God-forsaken world without a pillar of support?!

Nagato didn't answer him. Instead, he just look at Naruto with a serious expression. Naruto can see the resolve in his eyes. And so, he nodded.

Naruto: It looks like you have resolve yourself to do this. Very well, consider your request done.

Nagato smile, then-

???: Nagato!

Nagato and the others turn to the direction of the voice and saw Konan with Hinata, Team 7, Jiraiya, Itachi and the UzuKaze parents.

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