Ch. 12 : Naruto Vs Sasuke

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Ch. 12: Naruto Vs Sasuke

Sasuke once again initiate an offensive attack. He rush again and this time he wants to fight Naruto in Taijutsu battle.

Sasuke had a smug expression in his face.

His cockiness came from his evolve Dojutsu. Everything he sees is much, much slower compared to when his Sharingan was still a 3 Tomoe.

Buts Naruto isnt your run-in-the-mill ninja, even if he only used the first level of hos Observation Haki, it is still more than enough to suppress the Uchiha.

Naruto saw an opening in Sasukes defense and punch him in the kidney, his fist is like a nail as it dig in Sasukes body. He throw up blood.

Jiraiya: looks like the Mangekyo Sharingan isnt enough to defeat Naruto, huh.

Minato: more like 1 month of training to master his new Dojutsu is not enough to close the gap between them.

Kushina: Sasuke-chan is too hasty.

Tsunade: im more concern about them


Hinata(whisper): go, Naruto-kun.

Everyone sweatdrop.

Kakashi: dont worry, eveyone. Sasuke havent used his Sharingans new abilities.

As his teacher, Kakashi felt confident that Sasuke can defeat Naruto once he used his Mangekyo's jutsu. He witness the new jutsus power and know how scary they are once used.

Sasuke: Chidori Nagashi (thousand birds stream)!

Naruto got hit by the Raiton jutsu and groan in pain, but thats it. Everyones jaw drop when they saw that it didnt hurt him more than they expected. Naruto even give Sasuke a provoking smile.

Sasuke(shock): Wh-what the hell! Are you resistant to pain?!

Naruto(smirk): heh, if you think your jutsu can hurt me or defeat me, then you are dreaming, Sasuke. Come, ignorant fool who tried to surpass a surpassable moutain, show me everything you have and try to kill me.

The spectators gulp but are now excited.

Fiancees(cheering): KYAAAHHH!!! LOVE YOU, NARUTO!!! L. O. V. E. NARUTO!!!

Sasuke: if you are resistant to pain cause by Ninjutsu, then try and resist this! Amaterasu!

A black fire far stronger and far hotter than any strongest fire ninjutsu hit Naruto, his head is Burning. Amaterasu is not a Ninjutsu but a Dojutsu technique.

Unless the caster cancel the Amaterasu, it will continue to burn for 7 days and 7 nights beforw it will disappear. After the author explain the Amaterasu, everyone got worried especially Kushina and his Fiancees.

Kushina: Naru-chan!

As a mother, Kushina cant help but get worried for her son. Even Minato, Menma and Naruko are starting to worry for his safety, then a voice was heard.

Naruto: is this the best you can do? Youre understimating me too much, Sasuke. Gakido!

Naruto's left eye transform into that of the Rinnegan, then the black fire disappeared as it was absorb by one of the Dojutsus technique, Gakido.

Naruto: you cannot defeat me if thats all you have, Sasuke-chan. Or did you forgot that i also have a Dojutsu? Come on try harder, remember that i havent go on the offensive yet.

Choji: right! All he did was stand there and let Sasuke attack him.

Shikamaru: Naruto... Is... Troublesome(sigh).

Spectators: (lazy, Nara. Eveything is troublesome to them.)


A half body giant skeleton glowing in a harmless purple fire materialised and Sasuke is inside, protected by it. It is glaring at Naruto.


Fiancees(awe): Whoaaa!

Minato: that, everyone, is the Susanoo. It is also known as the 'Avatar of Destruction'!

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Dont forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic. Thanks. 

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