Ch. 34 : Teuchi will take you on

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Ch. 34: Teuchi will take you on

Minato(sigh): Alright, Everyone, listen up! We will bring Uchiha Obito back with us to Konoha to recieved his punishments.

"Naruto, even if he is not officially categorized as one. I, as the 4th Hokage, will reward you for capturing a S-rank Rogue-nin of Konoha when we return.

Naruto(nod): Understood.

Minato: Guys, get ready! We're going home!

Kushina: Minato, wait!

Minato: Yes, Dear?

Kushina then look at Naruto with her puppy eye's, his Fiancee's and Team Asuma chuckled. Everyone, Itachi and Hinata grew a question mark (❓) in their heads.

Kurenai: Uhm, what's going on, Asuma?

Asuma: Hehe, just wait and see, Kurenai, you will like it.

Naruto(sigh): Seriously, Kaa-san. You and my girls just treat me like some kind of transportation vehicle. Fine then.

Naruto walk away from the others and put some distance between them. Then, he begun transforming into a giant and long Golden-scaled Eastern Dragon.

The Golden Eastern Dragon rise to the skies shocking everyone down below before descending back.

Naruto: Alright. Hop in, All of you.

Kushina: Yayyy! You're the best, Naru-chan!

She jumped first to the Dragons back, followed by The Dragons members. Then Minato, Jiraiya, Team Kakashi, Team Asuma, Team Kurenai, Team Gai and Itachi.

Kakashi was kind enough to shunshin with Obito in his hand. The first timer's are shocked to ride a Dragon yet excited at the same time.

Obito didn't like the fact that he was captured and was to be punished when they get to Konoha. Bit he also can't help but feel excited to ride a mythical creature.

After confirming that everyone's on board, Naruto begun ascending higher and higher.

Kurenai(smile): You're right, Asuma. I like it.

Asuma: Hehe, told ya.

Kiba: Damn, this is awesome! We are riding on a Dragons back literally!

Akamaru: Bark, Bark (I know right)!

Tenten: Hmmm, this is comfortable. I like it.

She said as she begun caressing the Dragons scales.


Sasuke: I will still not give up and challenge him for that position.

Itachi: Dont worry, Sasuke. I know a way to make stronger than you are now. You might even surpass Naruto-kun after.

Everyone's shocked at Itachi's declaration. After a few minutes of flying the group saw the village of Konoha. They landed and enter the village gates.


Team Dragon, Team 7 and the Back-up team along with Uchiha Itachi and the prisoner Uchiha Obito are standing in the Hokage's Office and give their reports.

While Tsunade is calmly listening to the Team Leaders reports, Hiruzen is worried for his surrogate grandson, Naruto, when he revealed that he fought the 2 Kyuubi alone.

Minato: And that's everything, Hokage-sama.

Tsunade: Thank you. Itachi, as I have decided before after talking to the 3rd and 4th Hokage, you pardon from whatever crimes the village has put on you before.

"Starting tomorrow, you may return to your position in Anbu or become a Jonin sensei. You may choose if you want to teach the new graduating Genins or not. What do you say?"

Itachi: Thank you, Hokage-sama. I accept the Jonin rank and will give it my all for the greater good of Konoha. But if it's okay, I wish to remain solo and not accept any Genin team.

Tsunade(smile): If that is your decision, it is alright. I am looking forward to your contribution to Konoha.

Hiruzen stand up and hug Itachi, he is like a son to him too just like Asuma.

Hiruzen: Welcome back, Itachi-kun.

Itachi hug him back.

Itachi: Thank you, Sandaime-sama. And thank you too for protecting my little brother Sasuke from Danzo and the Elders schemes.

Hiruzen(laughing): That's no problem, my boy. I did give you my word, after all.

Itachi(nod): Yes, Sandaime-sama.

Tsunade: Alright everyone, you can leave now. Itachi, return here tomorrow at noon to recieved your Jonin vest. As for Uchiha Obito, Anbu! You will escort him to the T&I department for questioning. Dismiss.

[Outside the Hokage Building]

Naruto: Alright Team, let's go home. Hinata-hime, you can join us if you want.

Hinata(blushing): Ye-yes, Naruto-kun.

Naruko: Nii-chan, do you want to go to Ichiraku and eat ramen with us? Our treat.

Menma(smile): Ohhh! Brilliant idea, Naruko! Let's go, Nii-san.

Kushina(clasp her hands): RAMEN?! Let's go, Let's go! Naru-chan, you come too!

Minato, Jiraiya and the Jonin-sensei's gulp while everyone is waiting nervously for his answer.

Even Team Dragon (females) gulp and was hoping that their man will give his family a chance, a second chance.

Naruto who have mastered the emotion sensing of Observation Haki (like Fujitora in Dresarosa arc) senses their pleading and hoping emotions. And so...

Naruto: Alright, let's go.

Kushina/Menma/Naruko: Yayyy! Let's go and conquer that Ramen shop! It's time to dry Teuchi's stock of Ramen ingredients



Hinata shudder when she heard the last lyrics, the horror she felt if it become's true. When the Uzumaki's devour her favorite Cinnamon Roll until nothing is left in Konoha for her to eat.

Hinata: (Kami-sama. I know I rarely pray, but please don't let the Uzumaki's have their eyes on my favorite Cinnamon Rolls, please.)

In the Ichiraku Ramen shop, Teuchi also shuddered which her daughter Ayame saw. He suddenly felt cold, like something bad is going to happen and he know what it is.

Ayame: Something wrong, Dad?

Teuchi: Ye-yes! Ayame, hurry up and ready yourself! Those [Devourers] will arrive soon! And when they come we will 'fight' like our lives are on the line!

Ayame(confuse): Huh? Dad, are you high on drugs?

Teuchi: You don't understand, Ayame! Those people are literal spawns of the Ramen Demon's! When they come as a group, they will surely run as dry.

"So ready yourself because I refuse to be defeated and let them win without a fight! Bring it on, you Uzumaki's! Teuchi the Ramen making God is ready to take you on!"

A/N: How was it? Hope you like it. Thanks for reading.

[Garan Mask] Chapter 6 will be uploaded later. 👍👍👍

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