Ch. 27 : Cured Itachi/Tobi Appears

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Ch. 26: cured itachi/tobi appears

Everyones eyes widen after Itachi said that he doesn't have much time left. Even Sasuke was stunned.

Sasuke: Wh-what do you mean you don't have much time left, Nii-san? A-are you dying? (Isn't this unfair? I just got back my family member, and now Nii-san is going to die?)

Kakashi: Itachi, if you have a hidden sickness, it's better to tell it to Hokage-sama. Maybe she can cure you in whatever sickness you have.

"You know, Tsunade-sama is the number 1 and the best Medic in the Elemental Nations, right?"

Sasuke: That's right, Nii-san. The Hokage can cure you.

He said hoping that the blond Hokage can really save his brother. But Itachi simply shook his head. His next sentence killed Sasuke's hope.

Itachi: I know and I already did, back before she become the Hokage. But not even Tsunade-sama knows the cure for my sickness.

"The only one who can do it is the person who possess the Rinnegan Dojutsu. By using a technique called: Naraka Path: Healing Ball of Light. You summon-

Naruto: the King of Hell, Yama. Yama will release a ball of light from his mouth, it will enter the target and cure him/her from sickness, injuries and curses.

"And even if he/she are dying, as long as they still have a little bit of breath left, they can be restored back. Good as new, like nothing happen. Am I right?"

Naruto finished Itachi's sentenced earning the shock of everyone except for his fiancees.

Itachi was simply shock that Naruto knows of the Legendary Dojutsu's ability. Not many people heard of the Rinnegan, after all.

Menma: Your Rinnegan have a technique like that, Nii-san?

Naruto(smile): That's right.

Naruko: Then, you can heal Itachi-san?

Naruto: If he wants me too, sure why not.

Itachi: Wait, Hold on? Naruto-kun, you have Rinnegan? Since when?

Naruto: Haha, it's a long story, dort feel like explaining.

Then Sasuke do the unthinkable and do a Dogeza (A/N: if you are curious what is a Dogeza, search for Oga Tatsumi's father. He is an specialist that created different forms of it.)

Sasuke: Please, Dob- Naruto, please cure my brother, I beg of you.

Itachi: Sasuke-

Naruto: You just called me 'Dobe', didn't you?

Sasuke: I did no such thing.

Naruto(sigh): No need to kneel, Sasuke. Before I become strong, it was your brother that protected me from the stupid civilians before.

"So think of my Healing him as my thanks and repayment to him for being there when I needed help. (Itachi) Please come closer, Itachi-san (he comply). Naraka Path: Healing Ball of Light."

A giant head appeared beside Naruto, it open its mouth and release a 'Shining Ball' of the same size as Ransengan. It fly and enter Itachi's body. His body glow golden for a while, then disappeared.

Naruto: How do you feel, Itachi-san?

Everyone's waiting, excited for his answer.

Itachi: I-i think I'm cured. Yeah, I am cured and I feel great right now. Thank you, Naruto, everyone.

Everyone's laughing and smiling. Mission Accomplished.


Sasuke(smiling): I'm happy for you, Ita-nii.

Everyone shuddered, after Sasuke learn the truth about the Uchiha Massacre, Sasuke's attitude turn 180° and they are still not used to the new and mild Sasuke.

Itachi(pat his head): Thank you, little bro.

Sasuke: Thank you as well, Naruto.

Naruto(smile): Your welcome. Well then, shall we go home?

Team Dragon/Team 7: Hai!

Naruto's fiancee's, like always look at Naruto with their adorable puppy eyes, he sigh understanding the meaning of their looks.

But before he could transform into a Gigantic transportation Dragon, a friend stop him.

Isobu(Sanbi): Wait, Naruto! That guy is here, I can sense him! I can sense that curse Uchiha's chakra, be careful.

Naruto(nod): Come out, I know you are there! What do you want, Masked Uchiha?!

Hearing what Naruto said, everyone is on their guard. Then, a portal-like Jutsu appeared in the open space a few meters from the group.

Itachi: What are you doing here, Tobi? Are you here for me? Or the Jinchuuriki s?

The 2 teams members move in front of the triplets protecting them from the masked enemy after hearing what Itachis words. Seeing their actions, the triplets felt touch and thank them in silence.

Tobi: Neither, you can relax. Zetsu inform me of Kisame's demise, so I came here to know if it's true. (Sigh) looks like it's true. And Itachi, I always knew you would betray us, but I didn't think you would change sides fast.

Itachi: .....

Naruto: Hey! Tell me, why are you gathering the Bijuu's? What are you planning? If you said it's for peace, then I call bullshit. You don't look like a person who will do it for peace.

Tobi(chuckle): hehehe. Indeed, I'm collecting them not for peace, who needs that shit anyway? There are no more Ninja's if the world is at peace.

"I'm preparing for war, a war that will unite all the nations and fight against a common enemy, the Akatsuki!"

A/N: Itachi is finally cured and Tobi appears and reveal his true plan for the Bijuu. He war, he said? What will Naruto and the others do now?

Preview(Chapter 27):

Kakashi: O-obito, is that you?

Obito(panting): Yes, Kakashi, its me. Madara and Zetsu save me from the rubble's and fix me.


Obito: I ask you as a dying wish to protect her.....but you killed her. You killed the only person who care for me in this curse world!

Preview: End.

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