Ch. 54 : Konan's Fate and Sakura's Demand

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Ch. 54: Konan's Fate and Sakura's Demand

As the Space-Time Barrier erected, the flying Jutsu's arrive and collided with it.

But Instead of the expected explosion, what awaken the graving people from killing the paper woman was the sight of their Jutsu getting absorbed.

The appearance of their attacks getting swallowed finally made the people realize what they've done.

They look around and saw the serious face of their beloved 4th Hokage, every single one of them gasp and gulp in fear.

Shinobi 1: M-minato-sama!

Civilian 1: W-we apologize, Minato-sama! We didn't know that you are the one who captured and escorting the criminal.

Minato(sigh): I understand that you guys lost someone important to you all, but don't let your anger control you. For now, tell me where Tsunade-sama and Hiruzen-sama are, we will have a meeting on what to do with the Akatsuki prisoner.

After the Anbu tell him where to find the other Hokage's, Minato order the Shinobi's and Anbu's to take care of the dead bodies to have a mass mourning and mass burial soon.

Team Minato found the 2 Hokage, then they went to the Hokage's office to discuss Konans fate.

Because of Naruto's plea and influence, Konan didn't go to prison and was promise that she can return to Amegakure when her sentence is over.

All she needs to do is to help in the village reconstruction that the White Zetsu Clones destroyed with the supervision of the Anbu. And for Ame to pay Konoha ransom for her and for invading the village.

Naruto pat her shoulder causing her to have a faint blush.

Naruto(smile): Don't worry, Konan-san. Even if you cannot see me or any of my Fiancee, I assure you that we are always watching you and protecting you from any threats from the shadows.

"And if any stupid and foolish villagers tried to attack you and wants to harm you, just relax and leave the rest to us, the Team Dragon."

He reassured her. Konan smile as she felt safe knowing that someone strong and respectable is protecting her in the middle of the foreign village.

Konan(smile): Thank you, Naruto, everyone.

Team Harem smile at her. Konan had a small blush in her cheeks, but she hide it real quick.

Living like an emotionless person for many years, she is an expert at hiding her true feelings to not get in her work and decision-making.

No one saw it except one, Ino. Yamanaka Ino is also an expert at reading other peoples feelings. And she saw it, her blush she tried to hide.

Yamanaka Ino, the self-proclaimed [Gossip Queen of Konoha] is grinning while staring at the Akatsuki remnant, Konan.

The paper woman notice Ino's weird grin and realize what it means. Konan's face instantly change color and become beet red and embarrassment.


She is sweating furiously, she is nervous. Good thing Ino didn't do or say anything, Konan release a sigh of relief. The young Yamanaka giggled at the nervous paper angel.

The next day, on her first day of helping in the construction, Konan was attacked by both Civilian's and Shinobi's. Heck, even Sakura join in the mobs who wants to beat the poor woman.

The worst part for her, was that Tsunade order for her Chakra to be sealed. Now, she is as powerless as normal Civilian. And Taijutsu isn't her forte too.

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