Ch. 52 : The Battle is Over

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Ch. 52: The Battle is Over

Naruto fly while carrying the rest of Team Dragon Konan and Hinata, while the others are following below them jumping from the tree's of the forest.

Naruto fly while carrying the rest of Team Dragon Konan and Hinata, while the others are following below them jumping from the tree's of the forest

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As he continue to fly, everyone saw a cave that was hidden deeply in the middle part of the forest.

As he close his eyes trying to sense an aura of life inside the cave, Naruto finally smile when he had probe that there is indeed a faint sign inside.

Naruto begun to descend and everyone noticed this. Team Dragon begun to jump from his back together with Konan who was carrying Hinata as she fly using her Paper wings.

Team 7, Itachi, Jiraiya and Minato also begun to slowed down and jump down from the tree's. Then, they saw Naruto dived down and transformed back into his human form.

Standing in front of the cave where they suspected to have Madara's body hidden, Naruto spoke.

Naruto: We don't know if White Zetsu leave a trap to stop the intruders from reaching Madara's body, so let's be careful. Hina-hime, can you first check the cave for any danger before we enter?

Hinata smile. She can finally do something useful to her lover, and she won't disappoint him.

Minato: Wait! Aren't you going to confirm first if there really is a body inside?

Naruto: I have felt a weak Chakra signature inside. While it is small, it is dark and... Sinister. If it's not Madara's, then I don't know where White Zetsu hide his body.

Hinata then proceed and use her Byakugan to see what's inside the cave and/or if it is safe for everyone to venture. After she confirm that it is safe, Naruto then ask for everyone to follow him.


Everyone is standing in front of an open coffin, and was shock to see and confirmed who it really was. It was the body of Uchiha Madara.

They were horrified to think what would've happened should Black Zetsu succeeded in reviving him. Just thinking about it sends chill to their spines.

Itachi: This is indeed the real Madara. But I wonder how his body is still intact after many years since he died? It was well-preserved and didn't get decomposed.

Sasuke: So this is the strongest person in the Uchiha History. Even in death he still looks dignified and got a strong presence. Truly amazing.

The others nod and also agreed with what Sasuke said.

Naruto(nod): Indeed, but don't forget that we have a job to do to finally put an end and terror that was about to befall to the Shinobi world. Also, we don't want anyone to learn the secret of [Edo Tensei] and seek his body and revive him, right?

Minato: We have to destroy his body to stop future troubles. Anyone who can use [Katon Jutsu], please step forward and get ready to cremate Madara's body.

Itachi, Sasuke, Kakashi and Jiraiya step up and wave s series of hand seals. Naruto and Ino didn't participate and just left the job to the others.

The 4: [Katon: Cremation Jutsu]!

4 similar Jutsu was release from 4 different directions with Uchiha Madara's body as the center. The Cremation Fire consumes a lot of Chakra, but it was hotter then the [Katon: Fireball Jutsu].

As the fire Jutsu hit Madara, the flame envelope his body and slowly but surely disintegrating his body.

Not even a whole minute has passed for his body to turn into ash and was blown by the wind that Naruto made, scattering it everywhere in the Shinobi World.

Minato: With Uchiha Madara's body finally destroyed, the battle against the Akatsuki has come to an end and is finally over. We can finally have some peaceful days ahead.

Jiraiya: Indeed. Now that the threat is no more, my dream of peace is finally closer and in sight.

Team 7 and the others agreed with him, except for Team Dragonwho explain everything to Konan and Hinata. Hinata was sad and felt pity for the Akatsuki woman.

As for Konan, she was devastated after learning that everything they have done was the exact opposite of what they had invision. Everything was only for the Masked Mans benifits.

But in the end, even he was nothing but also a mere puppet to Uchiha Madara, who is also a pawn to Black Zetsu to revive his mother.

A godly being that is far stronger than the 2 Uchiha combine. Her mission is to take back all the Chakra that was scattered all around the Shinobi world.

Naruto: Not everything is useless, Konan-san. You are alive, and that is the most important. Nagato's wish is for Team Dragon to bring you back to Ame and become it's new Amekage. I will not let you be captured here, and you have my word.

[To Be Continued...]

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