Ch. 18 : Killing Hidan

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Ch. 18: killing hidan

The Zombie Brothers or Zombie Bros for short are called Kakuzu of Takigakure (Hidden Waterfall) and Hidan of Yugakure (not sure of this).

Kakuzu is wearing a mask and only his green-pupil eyes are visible, he also love money more than anything else. Hidan is a guy with Grey hair and an inverted triangle necklace and 3 bladed scythe as weapon. He is also a VERY noisy guy.

Hidan is standing in an altar made from his own blood and is holding a sharp Rod pointed to his chest.


But the Konoha ninjas look confuse when the Immortal (yes, Hidan is immortal) point the sharp side of the Rod next to his heart, then stab it.

But before the Rod can penetrate his body, Naruto appeared in a lightning speed with his Sky Smasher in hand. Team Konoha and Kakuzu only see a yellow flash move pass them and then Hidans scream as he was sent flying.

Naruto: Raimei Hakke (thunder bagua)!

Hidan was propelled into the nearby building, destroying it. He cough up blood as he is struggling to stand up and balance himself.

He may be immortal in both body and soul but Narutos Kings Haki can harm both. He is Hidans natural enemy, an Immortal Slayer.

Hidan(puke blood): yo-you are (panting) Kaido Na-naruto? What th-the he'll are yo-you?! Ho-how can (panting) you harm me?!

After hitting Hidan in the body, Naruto summersaulted and landed near Team Konoha. Then he smile.

Naruto: I am indeed Kaido Naruto, and I am the one who will kill you. If you die and get reborn be a good person in your next life. Well then.

Naruto raise his Iron Mace higher and before everyone blink Naruto use Soru and appear behind the down Immortal. Hidan and the others was shock greatly at how fast he move.

Naruto: Goodbye. 3 Realms: Ragnarok!


Naruto focused his Armament and Kings Haki to his Iron Mace. Even Hidan who Is ignorant and foreign to Haki feel that something is very wrong, that Mace felt more dangerous than before. Then, he swung it down.

Naruto: 3 Realms: Ragnarok!

Hidan(shock): SHIT!


The Iron Mace was swung...and hit Hidans head. The force was so strong that big spider web cracks appeared in the ground.

Black Lightning from Kings Haki come out from his weapon, and a powerful shockwave follow after Hidan got hit that throw Team Konoha and Kakuzu backwards.

Hidan who was the target of such powerful attack didn't survive and died as his soul and body both recieved a reparable damage.

When the shockwave and the black lightning died down, everyone saw the lifeless and unmoving body of the immortal fool of the Akatsuki. The first to react was of course his partner, Kakuzu.

Kakuzu(shock): impossible! He killed Hidan who is unkillable?! Shit, this is not good, I better leave!

Kakuzu was about to escape as he is now afraid of Naruto when a shadow appeared behind him.

Anko: Leave? And who allowed you to? Try it if you can then?! Sen'eijashio!

Snakes come out from Ankos sleeve and attack Kakuzu from behind, Kakuzu jump sideways and spin to evade the snake bites.

Anko(whistle): girls, we have an experience one here. This'll be a good prey to hunt, don't you think?!

Haku(giggle): this guy is a member of the group that coming after Naru-kun? I see , i see.

Temari: hmmm~ this guys looks tough. This'll be a good prey to hunt indeed.

Ino: Asuma-sensei, guys, you okay?

Asuma(nod): yeah, we're fine, Ino, thanks for coming to our rescue.

Asuma, Shikamaru and the 2 Chuunin felt relieved when Naruto and the others Come to their aid and killed Hidan. And now, Anko and the rest of Team Dragon, Kushina and their 5the Hokage Tsunade, has also come along with 2 other red haired women.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Chapter 18 is done. Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other fanfic works. Thanks. 

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