Ch. 23 : Overprotective Fiancees/Kisame

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Ch. 23: overprotective fiancees/kisame

Everyone was happy for Naruto and Hinata getting together. But the people who like it the most are Narutos other girlfriends for having a new sister in the Harem.

But then, if there are those who celebrated the two's relationship, there is one who wants to use it to enter the circle of Team Dragon.

Haruno Sakura, wether her feelings for Naruto are genuine or not, only she knows.

Sakura: Congratulations, Naruto, Hinata. I'm happy for the two of you, I truly do. (Blushing) Uhm, Naruto, I also want to tell you th-that I...have been in love with you, too since we were Genins.

"My feelings for you have also grown after 3 years. I also want to be one of your lover, can you also spare me even a little of your love? Please?"

After Sakuras confession, everyone is looking at her with different feelings. Others are confused, others are doubtful, others are angry and some are suspicious.

In other words, the timing of her confession just seem off to them. The first to voice her side is of course her fellow medical Apprentice and friend, Ino.

Ino(frowning): STOP YOUR LIES, SAKURA! You're not a master of Haki so you don't know, but us Team Dragon who have masters of Observation Haki can sense others feelings and emotions!

This confuse everyone, including Hinata who is not a part of their Team to question what Ino meant.

The answer was given by Haku who sense their unvoice question.

Haku: Meaning, us masters of Observation Haki know if someone is lying to us or not. Just because you are good at lying, in front of us it means nothing.

They gulp simultaneously. Temari and Anko continued as they release a little bit of their KI to intimadate Sakura. And she was affected.

Temari: I don't know what your reason is for trying to get close to us.

Anko: but if you Dare to utter one more word of lie and hurt Naru's feelings...

4 Fiancees: We will hunt you down and kill you! Remember that!

Said the 4 together in a scary tone of voice. Sakura and the other groups shuddered.

Minato: (they are as scary as Kushi-chan. Naruto is more like me but extreme, I only love 1 scary woman but he likes 4 scary women. Well, at least Hinata is calm unlike her Harem sisters. Menma, choose your future partner carefully, son. Don't be like me and your brother.)

Menma(gulp): (Dear Kami, if you are going to give me the woman meant for me, Please, don't let it be like these girls. I dont want a scary life partner.)

Hiruzen: (My boy, you sure found some troublesome women, I can only hope you can handle them.)

Jiraiya: (they are just like Mini-version of Tsunade, and there are 4 of them. They are like Covid 19, they're multiplying. Godfather will pray for your soul, Godson.)

Kushina: (Wow, thats some bloodlust. Now that's a true kunoichi should be. I'm proud of you, son.)

Kiba(gulp): (Their KI is so heavy and scary, like a true Alpha. Naruto, what did you feed to your women?)

Naruto(clapping): Alright, alright, that's enough everyone. Girls, you calm down too, I'm fine.

Fiancees: Hai, Naruuu~

They answered as they return to his side.

Naruto: Sakura-san, thank you for your confession, but you should only say those words to the man that you really love. Let you heart find who he is and don't look at them because of their status and good looks.

"And Don't forget that we still have a mission to bring Itachi-san back. Hinata-hime, you wait for us, okay? We will train together when we return."

Hinata: Be careful out there, Naruto-kun, girls, everyone.

Team Dragon one by one kiss Hinata in the cheek which cause her to blush. Jiraiya made sure to itch the event to his memory and write it later as he can't do it right now because of Naruto.


Team Dragon and Team 7 are flying in the sky riding Dragon Naruto. They are going to the place where Jiraiyas informant found a clue of Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

The group landed near an old ruins that belongs to the Uchiha's and was long abandoned after the end of the 3rd great Shinobi War.

After landing and Naruto transform back to his Human form, Team Dragon sense a presence that do not belong to their group.

Naruto: Come out! Hiding your presence is useless, I know where you are!

From a tree between the ruins and the group, a person come out. His feature is almost the same as humans except for his blue skin, sharp teeth, gills and shark-like eyes.

This person is carrying a sword covered in bandages and almost as big as him. He also wearing the Akatsuki robe. This person is Hoshigaki Kisame, and he is Uchiha Itachi's partner in their organization.

Kisame(smirk): You are indeed not simple, Naruto-san. Let me guees, you all are here for Itachi-san? (Naruto nod) Unfortunately, I can't let you pass. I was told to only let the young Uchiha over there to pass.

Kisame draw his sword, the Samehada (shark skin) to scare the Konoha team. Unfortunately for him, only Team Kakashi was intimidated while Team Dragon is looking at him with a bored expression.

Naruto(yawn): Boring~. Girls? Why don't you go and play with our shark friend here? Entertain him a little, will you?


Yup, these girls are really scary. And they have the same hobby, to fight strong opponents.

Simultaneously, they disappeared using 'Shave' technique.

Ino: Yoton: Lava Fist!

Ino appeared in front of Kisame. With her right arm transform into blazing Lava Arm, she punch him in the chest.

Kisame managed to dodged on time thanks to his long fighting experience, but his left side isn't so lucky and still recieved some damaged.

His left side was literally disintegrated due to the high heat intensity of the Lava Punch.

A/N: Yayyyyy, Chapter 23 is finally done. I hope you enjoy reading~

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