Ch. 22 : NaruHina Is Also Official

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Ch. 22: NaruHina is also official

Naruto(smile): of course, Hinata. Let's go?

Hinata: Ha-hai.

Naruto and Hinata distanced themselves from the group to talk privately. While they do that, his Harem members smirk.

Ino: Sisters? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Haku(smile): Of course, Ino-chan. I also think the same thing and was thinking that it is about time a new sister is added to our group.

Temari(giggle): Finally, after 2 years we finally have a new sister!

Anko(chuckle): I wonder if Naru would let me teach her how to please a man in bed?

Shino sweatdrop at Ankos remarks while Kiba feels jealousy to his former classmate.

Kiba: Oh man! I wonder if Naruto would teach me how to pick up girls? Heck, I'm even willing to pay, so long as he taught me his secrets.

Shino: Kiba, if you only want to learn Narutos ways to pick up girls and display them like trophys, then I recommend you to forget it. Naruto and his fiancees love each other and he didn't treat them like some sort of ornaments. If I were you, you should learn from him and respect the opposite gender.

Kiba: Tch, I know that, man. But, come on, aren't you interested and wanted a girlfriend too? Cause, I sure do.

Shino: .....

Aside from Naruto and his fiancess, Team 8 didn't notice that they are being followed and spied on even though their Team is a Tracker Team.

It was the 3 Hokage, Uzukaze family, Jiraiya and Team 7. They are hiding in the Bush and some trees, waiting and giggling.

Hinata(fidgeting): Na-naruto-kun. Uhm, 2 years ago, you give me time to check and think if my feelings for you are true and genuine.

"I apologize if it took me this long, but what I feel for you still didn't changed. And, uhm, i-i still (blush) love yo-you. Will you be my bo-boyfriend?"

Naruto was taken aback. He thought that Hinata would changed her feelings for him over the past years, yet here she is Confessing to him.

Naruto smile as he felt proud and pride for the shy Hyuuga Princess.

Naruto: (you've come a long way from being the shy and lack of confidence heiress, Hinata, I'm proud of you). If you are okay loving guy like me who is in CRA, then let's become a couple, Hinata.

"I promise, I will treat you like how I treat my fiancees. I will love you, like how I love the others. Equally. Thank you for choosing me, my Hime,you not regret it."

Hinata smile and wipe the tear that was threatening to drop. Then, she hug Naruto and press her lips to his. She kiss him. Naruto and the spectators were stunned at the bold action of the Hyuuga heiress.

The kiss only lasted for a short 10 seconds, but it was the longest 10 seconds for Hinata. It was warm, memorable and unforgettable. The Best experience she had so far.

When their lips separated, the both of them had a faint blush in their faces. Naruto was fine, but later on Hinatas face color changed into that of a ripe tomato color. Using her willpower, she fought and give her all to not faint. And she win. Bravo, Hina!

The people hiding and spying on the 2 newlade couples come out and congratulates them. Kushina run and hug the 2.

Kushina: Congratulations, you two!

Naruto(smile): Thank you, Mom.

Minato: I'm happy for you, Naruto. Congratulations.

Naruto(nod): Thank you.

Hiruzen(laughing): You sure are lucky, my boy. You got another beautiful girl in your Harem.

Jiraiya(laughing loudly): You are living in a life that all men are dying to have, Naruto. Good job (thumbs up)!

Naruto and Hinata sweatdrop.

Tsunade: Only a few months left till your birthday, Naruto. Can't wait anymore.

Kakashi: Congratulation, Naruto.

Kiba: Yeah, congrats, man.

Shino(nod): .....

Menma: I'm happy for you, Nii-san. I truly do.

Naruko: Uhm, congratulations, Naru-nii. And uhm, we're sorry fo-for everything we did to you, sorry.

Naruto: Thank you, Everyone. Thank you too, Menma, Naruko. Don't worry, I'm not angry with you guys anymore, but our relationship won't return to what it once was like in the past that fast. Though, I'm sure it won't be long and that day will surely come.

Menma/Naruko(sniff): Yeah, we can't for that to come.

Their parents, godparents and friends smile and truly felt happy for the siblings. Narutos other fiancees congratulates them too, then, they hug Hinata.

But then...there is one Haruno Sakura. 

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