Ch. 50 : Vs White Zetsu

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Ch. 50: Vs White Zetsu

The 3rd Hokage along with Team's 8 and 10 except for Hinata and Ino arrived and saw the many dead bodies in the ground drowning in their own blood.

They were consume with rage the moment they arrived in the Evacuation place. This is probably the most death count that happened to the village since the Kyuubi attack and the Uchiha Massacre.


The 3rd Hokage shout his command!

Team 8&10: RAAAHHHHH!!!

The group charge with rage as their weapon. They easily decimated the army of White puppets with their combine Jutsu. Of course, they made sure not to accidentally hit the Genin Teams and the Civilian.

Not even 10 minutes later and all the 200 White Zetsu Clones were destroyed and was easily dispose of without giving them time to counter attack.

Even then, their anger didn't lessen at all. Seeing the many murdered citizen of Konoha swimming in a river of their own blood, it broke their heart.

Also, Surprisingly enough, the Zetsu Clones have killed all the members of the Civilian Council and the remaining 2 Elders that was hiding behind the scared Citizens.

They thought, that by hiding at the farthest side from the entrance and the enemies find their way there, the won't be the first to die as there are many meat shields in front to protect them.

Too bad really, as the Hundred enemies have the ability to phase through the ground and hard walls. They were butchered mercilessly and left them dead.


Civilian 1(sob): Sandaime-sama! W-we're saved. Thank God...

Civilian 2(sob): T-that was scary. I thought... I really thought we were a goner...

After they confirm that they were indeed now safe thanks to the back-up that arrived on time, they have a sigh of relief and slump down to the ground.

The Genins that survived also fall down from Chakra exhaustion, fatigue, bruises and wounds.

Asuma(pat Kono's head): Good work on surviving a hellish fight, Nephew.

Konohamaru(panting): Thank you, Asuma-oji. By the way, do you know where Naruto Nii-san is?

Asuma(nod): After killing 3 of the enemy, Naruto and his Harem went to confront the boss of the enemy. But knowing him, he will return victorious without a single scratch in his body.

Teuchi: Sandaime-sama, thank you for coming and save us. We really thought we are a gonner, thank God for coming on time.

Hiruzen: Oh, Teuchi, my friend. Im happy to see that you and your daughter are fine, I hope the massacre didn't scare you two.

Ayame: I-it was really and truly a horrifying experience, Sandaime-sama. But we are just glad that we survive in the enemies invasion (sigh).

Hiruzen nod, then Shikamaru appeared beside the old Kage and give his report about the casualties.

Hiruzen was a war veteran and is already immune to seeing piles and piles of dead bodies and river of blood plowed to the earth.

But seeing a senseless massacre to the defenseless civilians who cannot fight to protect themselves and hearing the reports of Shikamaru, even he felt a churn in his stomach.

Hiruzen(sigh): This is really a tragedy. If I remember correctly, Haruno Mebuki, the head of the Civilian Council is also the mother Haruno Sakura-kun?

"The teammate of UzuKaze Siblings and Kaido Naruto? And is also one of the 4 students of Tsunade in Medical Ninjutsu?"

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