Ch. 44 : Destroying The Animal Path

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Ch. 44: Destroying The Animal Path

The Summon 3-Headed hound didn't even look back to the Summon Cow that was decapitated.

Instead, it just continue charging to Naruto. Gamabunta felt offended seeing it's action, and that it didn't even register him as a threat.

The giant Toad, without turning it's body back, jump, back flip and stab the hounds center head with it's sword and stomp it's feet to the other 2 heads.

Gamabunta pulled it's sword out and jump once again. Crossing it's legs, the Toad Boss fall down.

The Hounds got hit and got burried into the ground because of it's weight. Everyone begun to cheer the Toad Boss.

Tayuya: That's brutal, you big ass Toad! You rule! Woohoo!

The Konoha Shinobi's also followed her and cheer loudly. Seeing his Summons awesomeness, Jiraiya smirks proudly.

Karin: Tayuya, don't curse!

Jiraiya: Good job, Boss!

Gamabunta: Ohhh!

But then, they notice the Animal Path even though emotionless, smirks. On cue, the burried hound move and tried to get out from the Toads ass.

The Summon Cerberus roared and to everybody's astonishment, it grow another head. A 4th head.

Everyone: WHAT THE HELL?!

Minato: .....I see, this Summon is... Special. Everytime you attacked it, it is safe to say that it will only grow another head. Who knows if it's only that?

"If it instead divide later in the fight and each gain an individual body, it will be even more problematic and troublesome."

Every Nara who heard him say their catchphrase sweatdrop and laugh awkwardly.

Shikaku: And the only way to kill it, is to kill the Summoner, right?

Minato(nod): That's exactly right.

Gamabunta lose balance and fall down as the 4th head come out. He rolled and jump behind the Konoha Shinobi's.

The Shinobi's gulp nervously, they know the right thing to do to stop the 4-headed hounds, but they don't know how to kill the Summoner when 'she' is being protected by the other Paths.

But they had to try no matter what. But then-

When the Animal Path wave another handseals, someone blitz and easily appeared in front of the said Path before he could slam her hands to the ground.

Naruto: [Raimei Hakke (Thunder Trigrams)]!

Naruto vanished and appeared behind all the Paths as he bash the Animal Path in the head and 'Killing' it

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Naruto vanished and appeared behind all the Paths as he bash the Animal Path in the head and 'Killing' it.

Konoha Ninja's begun to cheer when they recognize who it was. It was Naruto, and he brought down his 3rd 'kill'.

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