Ch. 16 : Orochimaru's Elite Guards

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Ch. 16: orochimaru's elite guards

Kushina(gasp): Fuze-nee's daughter?! KYAAHH!! (hug Karin) nice to meet you, my beautiful niece! I cant believe i get to meet my family member here and youre so beautiful. Where is your mother? I want to see my big sister.

At the mention of her mother, Karin suddenly become sad, tears begun to fall from her eyes.

Karin: mother died in Kusagakure...they treat her worse than a slave.

She started sobbing when she remembered how the people in Kusa treat her.

Kushina: wh-what do you mean? What happened to my sister? What did they do to her?!

Karin: when the Kusakage and the people there learn that mother was an Uzumaki and had a very rare healing ability, that she can heal others faster than any medic heal their patients by just biting in any part of her body, they abused her by letting many people bite her at once.

Team Harem, Tsunade and especially Kushina was horrified at how inhuman her big sister was treated in another country. Then Karin continued.

Karin: at that time, Kusagakure was in the middle of war against the Sound Village which is under the Snake Sannin Orochimarus order for expansion. Many people are wounded and dying, and mothers special healing ability was a godsend to them.

"But to heal all of the wounded Shinobi and Civilians during the war, mother had depleted her Chakra even if she is an Uzumaki and died.

"The Kusakage and the people there also tried to used me like my mother, but I managed to escape thanks to my special sensory ability called: Minds Eye of Kagura."

After Karin told them her and her mothers story, she collapse and had fallen asleep. Kushina is very angry after learning the horrible fate of her big sister and her niece in Kusagakure, not to mention her niece treatment at the hands of Orochimaru.

She wanted to go to Kusagakure and make them pay for what they did to her sister. She will teach them not to mess with an Uzumaki, especially the Red Death of Konoha, Uzumaki Kushina's family.

Luckily, Tsunades monstrous strength come in handy as she hold Kushina from behind and never letting her go. The red hair keep on thrashing, wanting to break free from the 5th Hokages strong hold.


Tsunade(sigh): all the more reason to not let you go, Kushi. Do you want to start another Shinobi War? With Team Dragon in our side we will win, but at what cost? The death of our shinobi? Not to mention the other village will use the opportunity to band together and strike us while we go and attack Kusa.

"Iwa and Kumo have bad blood against Konoha for what happened in the 3rd Shinobi War. They will surely have their army March to Konoha's front gate the next day, so sorry I can't risk it. I can't risk the lives of our Shinobi. As the Hokage, this is an order."

Kushina: grrr, Naru-chan, what about you?! You want to avenged your aunt Fuze too, right?! Lets go to Kusagakure now!

Naruto: calm down, mom. I know you are angry, I am too. I promise, we will go and make them pay for messing with an Uzumaki soon, but not now. Don't forget about the other threat, the Akatsuki is still around and capturing Jinchuurikis.

"Soon, they will go and attack Konoha to capture both Menma and Naruko. Don't you want to protect them? They will go after me too, as I have Isobu inside me. But I and my girls are always together and we are all S-rank shinobi, we can protect ourselves, but not those twins."

Kushina remembered her 2 children she left in Konoha with her husband and was convinced that what her eldest son said is right. She finally stop fighting to get free as she calm down. Tsunade release her.

Kushina(sigh): you are right, Son. The Akatsuki is indeed more of a threat to you 3 siblings, let us focus in taking them down first...for now. But promise me that we will go to Kusa and make them pay for killing your aunt Fuze.

Naruto(nod): of course, no one mess with an Uzumaki and get away scott-free. The day of reckoning will come for them.

Satisfied with Narutos answer, Kushina finally smile.

Naruto(to woman #2): anyway miss, what is your name? You're an Uzumaki too, right?

Woman #2: Tayuya, my name is Tayuya. And yes, I am a half-Uzumaki.


After Tayuya told them her story, they accepted her no problem, even though she revealed that she used to be one of Orochimarus 4 Elite Guards. They just shrugged it off like it's nothing important.

Tayuya felt happy and relieved that they didn't care of her past and thought that leaving Oto with Karin to start a new life away from the treacherous snake of a master and his godforsaken village is the right decision the made in her life.

Kushina: don't worry, Tayuya-chan, we are currently studying Orochimarus curse mark and are about to made a breakthrough. Soon, you can say good-bye to his curse Hickey.

Learning that she was about to be given a second chance without the curse hickey that influence her brain and decision-making and always cursing, Tayuya started crying. She was glad that she meet them during their escape and keep on thanking their saviours.

After a while, the group sense 3 malicious presences coming to their direction. The 3 new comers landed in front of them and Tayuya instantly recognize them. They are: Kidomaru, Jirobu, Sakon/Ukon. Orochimarus 4 Elite Guards are now complete.

Sakon: Tayuya, you and Karin will return with us to the village now. We need you to ressurect Orochimaru-sama, after that you can leave if you want to and no one will stop you.

Tayuya: Bullshit, if Orochimaru-teme ressurected, how can we escape?! He'll just kill us right there, right then!

While the 2 Converse, Kidomaru is looking and observing at who Tayuya is together with. His eyes widen upon recognizing the familiar blond and only man in the other group. He silently curse.

Sakon(smirk): so its the hard way, then? Too bad for the others, but they will have to die together with Karin. As for you, you will be used to bring our master back, so be glad.

Sakon/Ukon and Jirobou took a fighting stance ready to battle when Kidomaru suddenly turn around and dash. He run away. Tayuya and the other Elite Guards who know him were shock at his action.

Jirobou: Where are you going, Kidomaru?!

Kidomaru(frightened): you idiots! Can't you recognized the guy in their group?! That's Kaido Naruto, the new God of Shinobi! If you value your lives, then Run now!

Sakon/Ukon and Jirobou look at Naruto who is now smiling sadistically at them. Without thinking twice they also turn around and leave in a hurry like a scared kitten.

A/N: Yay, Ch. 16 is done! Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfics. Thanks. 

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