Ch. 17 : Killing Orochimaru's Elite Guards

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Ch. 17: killing orochimarus guards

Just like their comrade Kidomaru, Sakon and Jirobou also turn around and flee fast by activating their Curse Mark of Heaven Version 2. Seeing them escape with made Naruto smirk.

Naruto(smirk): you think you can escape alive after hunting a family member of mine? Pointless struggle! Soru!

Naruto blitz faster than shunshin and appeared just above the escaping Jirobou.

Naruto: where are going, Fatso? You will stay here forever. Raimei Hakkei (thunder bagua)!

Jirubou's eyes widen in great shock as the feeling of death embraces him.

Jirobou: Shit! Nooooo!!!

An unforgiving smash hit the fat elite guard of the Snake Sannin and died right away as his face got burried in the ground and lifted his body upwards.

Tayuya and Karin who finally woke up and saw how her cousin easily dispose of their powerful pursuer have her jaw drop in disbelief.

Sakon/Ukon and Kidomaru who was also in their Curse Mark level 2 were now afraid. Fear enveloped their minds and affected their movements, they were slowing down and they didn't even notice.

Poor Souls.

Kidomaru in his Version 2 mode have Dark Red Skin, 2 Horns, Grey Hair and 3 eyes.

Sakon and Ukon separated and finally become an individual being. Each of their half bodies have changed into something that look like an armor. They also have big Horn each and white hair.

They know. They know that even if their powers have increase they are still no match against someone of Narutos level. Unfortunately, they have forgotten that Naruto isn't alone and their only enemy.


From Uzumaki Kushinas body, 8 Chains made of special Uzumaki Chakra came out and bind the enemies hands and legs halting their escape.

Sakon: Fuck!

Ukon: Not Good!

Kidomaru: Shit!

The 3 bound Oto Shinobi curse for being careless and captured. Then-

Kushina/Tsunade/Naruto: Rankyaku!

3 Air Blades fly after the they kick the air and hit the 3 binded Elite Guards and bisected them.

Karin and Tayuya were dumbfounded contrary to Naruto girls who are smiling, clapping and cheering for them. Clearly got use to seeing the same scene.


After killing the 3 Elite Guards of Orochimaru, Kushina convince the 2 Uzumaki Kunoichi to stay and live in Konoha with them. Of course, the Karun and Tayuya agreed with a smile.

Tsunade accepted them as Konoha citizens and was promise to give them their own house near the UzuKaze state, which excite the 2 as they will live near their Clan member.

Now, the only problem is how to get to the village of Konoha fast as they are still a few miles away. They can just jump from tree to tree but that's a hassle and time consuming.

But there is one solution...they look at Naruto with their adorable and undeniably cute, puppy eyes. The ladies action confuse the 2 new Uzumaki women.

Ladies(bow): please transform and carry ys back to Konoha, Naruto-sama!

Naruto give a dumbfounded look and sigh.

Naruto: you ladies are just treating me as a Transportation Vehicle (sigh). Fine.

Then he move away from the others and begun transforming. His body morph into a long and gigantic Golden Dragon, his transformation shock both Karin and Tayuya who witness it for the first time.



Naruto: well then, hop on now and hold on tight, dont want to fall now, right?

Karin and Tayuya are really excited to ride a Mythical Creature, a Dragon. The 2 of them jump fast and hold on to the Dragons blond hair, gripping on it tight.

After flying for about 3 miles, Naruto sense a couple of Chakra Signature to right side. Some of the Chakra he felt are also familiar.

Naruto: Ladies, I sense some Chakra signature to my right side. From what I sense, they seem to be on a battle. I can guess it's the Akatsuki as 2 of them have large and vile chakra. As fo their opponent, hmm? Sarutobi Asuma?

Ino(gasp): What?! Asuma-sensei?! Oh no! Naruto, let's go and help him, please!

Naruto(nod): alright, Hime. Everyone, hold on tight, I'll fly us there faster.


A battle was currently going on in a town just outside the Land of Fire. Sarutobi Asuma, Nara Shikamaru and the Eternal Gate Guards: Izumo and Kotetsu are fighting the Zombie Brothers.

Well, more like Team Konoha is only fighting one of the Akatsuki member, the Immortal Jashinist, Hidan.

They are doing well in the beginning until Asuma got scratch in his cheek. 

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