Ch. 26 : Samehada and Itachi

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Ch. 26: Samehada and itachi

After defeating Kisame, Naruto made sure to recover the Samehada sword which miraculousy survive the blast.

The Samehada was not just wounded after it was expose to the explosion of the Bijuudama, half of it's body was gone and most of it's scales were chip.

The beast in a sword form was on its last leg when Naruto donate his Chakra to it so it can survive.

Feeling the large amount of Chakra it was feed to, the Samehada take it-no-it begun to devour Naruto's Chakra. After a while, the sword begun to show sign of recovery.

As Naruto's Chakra begun to lessen and he felt weaken, the sentient swords body begun to regrow and it's scales begun to shine in Black-Gold color.

Samehada evolve. Evolve into something that never happen and witness before.

Team Dragon begun to worry for their boyfriend. They are about to take action and separate him to the sword when Samehada latch onto Naruto.

Team Dragon: Naru!!!

The 4 women use Soru and surrounded Naruto.

Ino: Yoton: Lava Fist!

Haku: Hyoton: Ice Piercing Claws!

Temari: Fuuton: Tornado Fist!

Anko: Dokuton: Poison Punch!

They are about to attack with their prize Ninjutsu but Naruto raise his hand to stop them.

Naruto: Girls, stop! I'm fine!


Ino: Naru, are you really okay?

Haku: Are you sure it isn't hurting you?

Naruto: Yes, I'm fine, Ino-hime. And it's not harming me, Haku-hime. In fact, it's healing me and it return my Chakra to full capacity.

Temari: I see, that's good then, Naru.

Anko: hm, hm, What is your plan on the sword, Naru-kun?

Naruto: Sorry to worry you girls, haha. As for Samehada, hmmm, I already have a sword, how about you girls? Want it?

Samehada arc it's body downwards after hearing that it's potential owner already have a sword and he's giving him to the others.

Sensing the swords 'emotion', Naruto tried to comfort it.

Naruto: Hey, don't worry, any of these girls are very important to me. They won't misuse you, I promise. Give them a chance, you might like them.

Samehada felt happy that he is entrusting him to his important people. The sword nod happily.

Team Kakashi just watch at Team Dragon do their conversation and was talking about who is going to use the Akatsukis sword.

After a few minutes, Team Dragon have decided for Anko to own the sword, after all she is the only one in their team without their prepared weapon.

Naruto - Greatsword and Iron Mace.

Ino: Whip.

Haku: Senbon.

Temari: Battle Fan.

And now, Anko have her Samehada sword to help her team.


Team Dragon and Team Kakashi enter the old Uchiha ruins. There, they found Uchiha Itachi sitting in a thick stone chair with an emotionless face.

Itachi: Welcome, all of you Konoha Shinobi. I must say Naruto-kun, you and your women have gotten too strong that you make the leaders of Akatsuki afraid of your team.

"You even killed 5 of it's members and 1 former member, which is Orochimaru. But, my fight isn't with you, it is to my foolish little brother over there."

Sasuke: You can stop the nonsense now, Nii-san. We already know the truth about the Uchiha Massacre. It was Danzo and the 2 old elders who were behind it, right? In fact, they are already dead!

Itachi's eyes widen in shock as he continue to listened to what Sasuke said.

Naruto: Itachi-san, the truth is, we are here under the order of the 5th Hokage to tell you that you are no longer a Rogue-nin of Konoha. Your 'crime' and name in the Bingo Book were withdrawn.

"You are also to be escorted back to the village and reinstate your status as an Anbu or Shinobi if you want, will you accept?"

Everyone's waiting for his answer.

Sasuke: Please, Nii-san, return with us.

Itachi: Alright, (sigh) I don't have much time, anyway. Once we are in Konoha, Sasuke, I want you to have my eyes and promote yours to the next level. The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Chapter 26 is here, I hope you have an enjoyable read. 

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