Ch. 5 : Naruto Of The Rinnegan

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Ch. 5: naruto of the rinnegan

Kakashi: what?!

Not just Kakashi but also the others were shock of Narutos demand. Sasuke, as Elite-Complex as he is show his attitude again.

Sasuke: give him your Sharingan, Kakashi! I am an Uchiha, I need my Sharing an because I am an Uchiha. Yours was just a gift anyway, so give him yours now!

Everyone frown at the Uchihas shamelessness, wont even think twice to sacrifice his Sensei who train him since he was a Genin just to save himself. Truly shameful.

Menma: that bastard! Sensei tried to help him yet he was shameless enough to let Kakashi-sensei take the 'bullet' for him?! Not a shred of gratitude, eh Sasuke-teme?!

Sasuke: so what! An Uchiha is known to have a Sharingan, without it how can one be called an Uchiha!

Naruko: that doesn't mean you can just sacrifice your Sensei for you. You 2 spent 3 years in training together, but now, you just want to make him your shield to protect yourself after making a mess?! Can you not take responsibility for your mistake for once?!

Sasuke: I'm an Uchiha! Our clan is one of the founders of this village, so I have the right to make a demand!

Minato frown and release his killing intent. For this brat to disrespect his last student right in front of him is unforgivable. He is not even ashamed and not show a little bit of respect to his dead clansman, Uchiha Obito, when he give his eye to Kakashi.

Then Temari who has had enough of the arrogant Uchihas foul mouth disappeared using Soru and appeared in front of Sasuke.

Temari: I've had enough of you, disrespectful bastard! Go to sleep! Tekkai: Gouken (Iron Body: Hard Fist)!

Temari punch Sasuke in the jaw cracking it. The last Uchiha scream in the pain he is feeling before he feel unconscious. She then walk and stand beside Naruto.

Others: (heeeeeee, so-so scary!!!)

Jiraiya(gulp): (she is like the second coming of Tsunade! With her easy-to-lose temper and iron-like punches who would Dare try and mistreat her.)

Naruto(smile): good job silencing him, Princess, his voice is really irritating to hear.

Temari smile and hug him.

Temari(giggle): I know right? Now that the nuisance is gone, love?

Naruto(nod): I'm still waiting for your answer, Hatake-san. Truth be told, without that Sharingan you will become even more stronger than you are now. You know right?

"That Sharingan, even if you try to cover it with your hitai-ate, it is still slowly using and draining your Chakra even if you're not using it. I know that, that eye is a gift from your deceased friend and really important to you.

"But if you give me that Sharingan, I will teach you 1 of my Rokushiki Taijutsu move. And I will let you choose which one. So, do we have a deal?"

Hearing Naruto, this gives hope to the other audience.

Audience: (I see, if you have something that interest him, he will teach you his moves.)

Kakashi: alright, we have deal. But I want to ask a question, why do you want to obtain a Sharingan? Why are you interested in this Dojutsu?

Audience: (that's right, why is he suddenly interested in a Dojutsu?)

Naruto(smile): I'll answer you after you give me that eye.

Kakashi give his Sharingan to Naruto, Naruto took it and remove his left eye. Ino who is a Medical kunoichi help Naruto by transplanting the Dojutsu. And with her help and Narutos Uzumaki healing ability, he can use the eye after only a few seconds (like how Madara able to use Kakashis Sharingan after stealing it, like 3-5 seconds only?)

Naruto(handseals): Fuinjutsu: 2 DNA become 1 : Return To Origin!

The DNA of Uzumaki and Uchiha, the direct descendants of Asura and Indra respectively become one. Like the name of the Fuinjutsu implies, the 2 DNA return to origin which is the DNA of the Founder of Chakra, the Sage of the Six Paths.

The Sharingan Dojutsu turns purple in color and the 3 tomoes change nd started to add more rings, it evolve into the next form of Dojutsu, the Rinnegan.

The people who are witness to this miracle was greatly shocked to speak. But the one who was surprised the most was of course Jiraiya. He know someone who has the same eyes as Naruto, but he never knew how 'he' obtain it.

The 2 Kyuubi reacted causing their host fight with Haku and Anko to stopped. Not wanting to attack an opponent who is not moving, the 2 also stop.

Kyuubi 1: the-the-that eye!

Kyuubi 2: Father?!

Menma: what's wrong with that eye, Kyuubi?

Kyuubi 1: that's the same eyes as the Rikudo Sennin!

Kyyubi 2: to think someone would know and solve the puzzle after that bastard Madara. Was it Isobu who told him?

Kushina: Na-naruto, yo-your eye!

Naruto smile and nod at her mother before looking at the still stunned Kakashi. Ino help Kakashi stop the bleeding while Tsunade promise him that she would find an eye that would fit him in the 'Eye Donor Section' in the hospital.

Naruto: this is the answer to your question, Hatake-san. Now, for our deal, which of my moves do you want to learn? Remember, you can only get to choose one.

Kakashi wake up from his stunned state and nod.

Kakashi: I-i want to learn Tekkai (Iron Body).

Naruto first draw the 3 protection seals in Kakashis body then proceed to give him instructions through 'Fuinjutsu: Telepathy' on how to master it.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other works. Thanks. 

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