Chapter 59

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Chapter 59------------------------------------------------------------------------

"I don't want to go home" Alex whined

"neither do I lass but we have to be back at school by Monday"

"ugh I hate school!"

"so you've said" Luke laughed

"I will miss you dearie" Jen said giving Alex a tight hug. Even though this was only their fifth day here they had all really bonded.

"I'll miss you too. Tell Macy bye for me?"

"I will dear"

"bye tom" Alex smiled and hugged Luke's father.

"bye lassie take care of my boys?"

"always" she laughed.

Kate went through the same hugging routine. As did Collin and luke. They finally made the long ride to the airport.

Luke looked out of the window most of the ride.

"will you miss it?"

"aye" he said pulling her closer

"like you said we can always come back"

"would you come back? Soon?"

"of course I would"

"what about after graduation?"

"sounds lovely"

After they arrived at the airport and did the baggage check they settled theirselves on the plane.

"I have a question" Alex heard Collin say.

"hmm?" Kate asked

"what if I love you."

Alex watched Kate's head snap in his direction.

"you what?!" she whisper yelled.

"I'm in love with you"

"no you're not" Kate said shaking her head.

"I'm not? Because you know what's inside my heart"

"you like me Collin, we have fun don't confuse it with something else"

"oh so that's what you think of me? A fun time?"

"I didn't say that"

"you kind of did lass" Collin shot back looking hurt.

Alex glanced at Luke who was watching the couple as well.

"look familiar lass?" Luke whispered.

Alex didn't answer but kept her eyes on Kate. Silently begging her not to make the same mistake she almost did.

"Collin... You know how I feel about you"

"actually I don't. You've never told me... Enlighten me beauty"

Kate looked at him and sighed.

"don't do this" she pleaded looking at her feet.

The plane had taken off but no one in the group seemed to notice.

"do what? I just told my girlfriend I'm in love with her and she asks like if proposed murdering a litter of kittens"

"you don't know me well enough to love me"

Alex felt a pang in her chest as she recognized those words as the same ones shed uttered to Luke when he had confessed his love.

"I know more about you than you think"

"if you did you'd be running for the hills"

"why do you think no one can love you?"

"look at me!" she yelled throwing her hands in the air causing many curious heads to turn her way.

"I am!" Collin yelled back

"and do you know what I see?!"

Kate looked away but Collin grabbed her chin and forced her to meet his eyes.

"I see the necklace you never take off because your sister gave it to you when you were six. I see the scars on your wrist because of your abusive parents. Mostly your father. I see the tattoos on your wrists that you run your fingers over when you're nervous or have an urge. I see blonde hair that I adore to see down but you always throw it into a bun because it takes to long to blow dry. I see your blue eyes that hold so much emotion but never gives away any. I see your lips that allow my favorite sound to escape every now and then. I see your cheekbones that bloom red every time I call you beauty. I see you for who you are. No for what you want everyone else to think you are. You're the toughest girl I know but don't harden your heart to me lass."

"I couldn't if I tried" she sighed.

"don't try. I just wanted you to know how I felt. How much you mean to me."

He said pulling her into a hug.


"hmm?" he said holding her tighter.

"what if I love you too?"

"then you kiss me and we will go from there"

Kate pulled away only to plant a kiss on his lips.

"I'm not saying this will work. But I am willing to try."

"this is gonna work because I've never felt this way lass. You're my one and only beauty."

"ugh and you're a charming beast"

and that's when Alex found it appropriate to break into song.

"a tale as old as time...."



Oh my lord guys I can't tell you the day it's been! My ex brought his new girlfriend to church and she smiled and waved at me! I almost committed murder in church! Ugh but enough about my crazy exsistance. I hope you like these two new chapters and your votes and comments are so awesome. Another shout out to 'chazza92' for commenting I love you!!! Marry me please! And we can just read books all day! Then we will go to Ireland to find us a Luke! How bout it!! Lol stay tuned lovelies!

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