Chapter 5 (there is no prince charming)

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"and he's my my worst freaking subject" Alex finished as Jordan sat across the table from her with her mouth hanging open. Alex reached across and put a finger under her jaw forcing her mouth closed.

"omygodhesyoursoulmate!!" Jordan squealed as if it was all one word.

Alex coughed into her dr pepper.


"you obviously met for a reason!"

"we would've met anyway he's my teacher dumb ass"

Alex said thumping her in the head.

"hey! Ow! Well I was just saying, you can't blame me for being a hopeless romantic"

" on the contrary I can. It'll bring you nothing but crushed hopes babe one day you'll listen to me"

Jordan sighed and gave her a sympathetic look.

"don't" Alex warned but Jordan had already started.

" not all guys are like lee Alex"

Just his name sent a white hot flash of pain into her chest and caused her lungs to contract.

"there are good guys out there,and one day your prince charming will come." Jordan said looking hopeful.

Alex slammed her hand on the table causing Jordan to jump.

" there are no prince charmings out there. Not anymore. All prince charming wants is to get you out of your glass slippers and dump you before midnight" Alex snapped Standing up and stalking out the door towards the work out room. She felt bad about snapping on Jordan like that. It wasn't her fault her best friend was an old prude. But lee had broke her and there was no fixing it. Alex shook off the earlier conversation As she walked into the women's locker room and changed into her work out clothes with consisted of a loose tee shirt and jogging shorts. She rolled her eyes at the girls prancing out it their barely there sports bras and teeny tiny shorts.

"bet twenty bucks someone's nipple is gonna pop out" Alex mused to herself. She threw her hair up in a sloppy ponty tail and put her ear buds in and switched it to shuffle on her 'angry music' playlist and grinned to herself as '6 gun quota' by seethed started blaring in her ears. She made her way out to the treadmills. She jumped on and set it on high. As she started running her mind went peacefully blank, she lost count of how long she stayed on the treadmill for until her legs started to burn and her breathing became labored. She stopped the machine and stumbled off almost falling onto the bench in the corner putting her head In her hands she concentrated on slowing her breathing and heart rate.

" that didn't look very healthy love"

"ugh seriously" she said as she raided her head. Then her voice froze in her throat. Luke O'Grady...her new math teacher was standing in front of her dripping with sweat and mouth wateringly shirtless.

A/N hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying the book

But since it has such low reads I'm gonna have to ask for a vote and comment

Before I continue!

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