Chapter 70

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Chapter 70------------------------------------------------------------------------

Luke cursed as Alex's voicemail picked up for the twelfth time. She hadn't been answering his calls all day. His worry kicked up another notch when he pulled in to her driveway to see Kate's car missing. He ran to the door using his spare key to get in.


The house was dead silent. Not even a creak or moan from the floorboards to give him an answer.

"Alex!" he yelled as he bounded up the stairs. He burst through her bedroom door to find her curled into a ball on the floor.

"Alex... Baby are you ok?" he asked using the same voice he would for a wounded animal or child.

She still refused to speak. Her eyes glued to a non exsistent object beyond him.

He glanced up at her lap top that was open and seen her ex smiling over at him.

"why do you do this to yourself"

"I'm never going to be ok" she whispered

"baby you will"

"I won't" she said her voice hard. She finally looked at him and he lost his breath. Her eyes were lifeless. There was no light in them.

"I'm always gonna be broken. I'm never gonna be normal. You can't just over look that."

"I'm not over looking anything Alex I am in love with you"

"really? You're in love with me?! So you love this? You love this same argument every night"

"I can!" he yelled back.

"I can have this same argument with you every day for the rest of my life of that's what it takes!"

"you don't get it do you?! I'm never going to be ok! I'm not some car you can fix up! I'm never going to run right"

By now they were screaming at each other.

"you're not a fucking car Alex! You are my girlfriend and I love you! What do I have to do to prove that?!"

"you can't love me don't you see that?! I'm not lovable!"

She was standing now facing him with her hands in her hair. She looked so tortured.

"do you honestly thing I would be here sacrificing my career if I didnt love you"

"I don't know..... I don't know......I don't know"

Luke watched as her face crumpled and tears fell from her eyes.

"Alex" he whispered as he gathered her to him.

"you have to stop trying to push me away"

She gave nothing but a tiny hiccup in response.

" I've told you time and time again I'm not going anywhere lass "

When she tried to pull away he grabbed her arm gently to pull her back.

"ah!" she cried out as fresh tears sprang to her eyes.

He gave her a confused look until he noticed her tugging at her sleeves. He grabbed the tips of her fingers in a gentle but firm grip. He inched up her sleeve and felt his own throat close up as she looked away in shame.

There were three words carved into her beautiful pale skin.



A/N hey guys! I know you were all probably ready to kill me since I haven't updated in forever I've just had a rough few weeks. But I'm back now! And I wanted to say a thank you to all you beautiful people who leave comments and vote y'all seriously make my day! And I need your opinions should I change the name of my book? If you think so give me some ideas! If not tell me to leave it! Stay tuned lovelies!

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