Chapter 71

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Chapter 71------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alex pulled away from Luke and tugged her sleeve back down.

"this is what you want to deal with? A self destructive teenager?"

"stop talking down about yourself love"

Alex squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"you deserve better" she said In a broken whisper.

"and you deserve better than doing this to yourself"

" I'm not able to trust."

" I know it's hard-"

"it's not hard! It's impossible Luke!"

"what have I ever done for you not to trust me Alex?" Luke said through his teeth showing his irritation.

"lee never gave me a reason not to trust him either and guess what? I still got hurt."

" I'm not Lee damn it!" he yelled slamming his hand against the wall causing Alex to jump.

" what do I have to do to prove to you I'm different?! I love you damn it!"

"I've heard this all before" she yelled her last word ending in a shriek.

He grabbed her by her upper arms giving her a rough shake causing her head to snap back.

"not from me. How can you look me in the eyes and honestly think I would hurt you?"

Alex looked up at him and swore for a moment she was looking into chocolate brown eyes. She gave a violent shake of her head and when she opened her eyes again she seen Luke's forest green ones.

"do you know how many times someone has looked into my eyes and swore not to hurt me? Do you know how many times someone has looked in my eyes and promised to love me. Look how that turned out"

Alex tried to shrug off his hold but he only tightened his grip on her.

"do not let YOUR past ruin OUR future"

"you want my advise Luke?"

He simply raised his eyebrows.

"get out while you still can. Before I ruin you too"

"look me in the eyes and tell me you want me to leave and that you don't love me and I'll never bother you again" he whispered though his own throat was closing up.

"I want you to leave" she said quickly staring at him with pleading eyes.

Luke swallowed hard.

"tell me you don't love me"

"I...." Alex squeezed her eyes shut.


Luke cut her off by crashing his lips to hers. Alex let out a strangled whimper and broke the kiss.

"I don't-"

"don't lie to me" Luke grated out

"I don't.... Deserve you" she sighed her body going slack. She looked completely exhausted. Like the whole conversation had drained her.

"why do you think that? Give me a real answer"

"I can't give you what you need" she sighed.

"what is it you think I need?"

"stability. A normal relationship with a normal girl... Not some fucked up individual who can't get over the past"

"you're not messed up lass, you just have to give me a chance to help you"

"helping me might lead to your own destruction. And I'm not going to let that happen."

"I love you and I'm not leaving. I'm not Lee. I won't give up on you. I won't promise to stay with you then leave. No matter how hard it gets I won't throw in the towel with us."

"but you will" she insisted.

" you'll leave.... Everyone always leaves"

Luke finally allowed a tear to fall from the edge of his eyes.

"I can't leave you Alex. I can't be without you ok? Is that what you need to hear? Because if it is I'll tell you that everyday for the rest of your life because it's true. I'm in love with you and I would be miserable without you."

Seeing Luke cry was breaking her heart. She knew this would be hard when it started. She knew her love life would be hard after Lee hurt her but she wasn't about to give this man up just because her heart still hurt over some jackass.

She threw her arms around him and held on for dear life. He returned her embrace and clutched her tightly to him.

"I love you" he whispered.

She glanced at the computer screen to see that face still staring her down. She buried her face in his shoulder and tightened her hold.

"I love you too Luke"

A/n so I'm wondering if I should change Luke's character to Channing Tatum. Any thoughts

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