Chapter 6 (lickable)

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Him was tan toned and beautiful. He had broad shoulders leading down to a gorgeous chest. He had a very lickable pair of 8 pack abs that lead down to that sexy V thing at his hips. Alex finally realized she was staring and slapped her hand over her eyes.

"well ah...err..." he stammered scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"what" she snapped.

"I've never been considered lickable before" he said smirking

"who called you lickable?"

"you did"

"no I didn't "

"yes you did. You said I had broad shoulders and a very lickable set of 8 pack a-"

"ARGH!" Alex screamed interrupting him and wagging her finger in his face.

" that did not happen! I had a momentary lapse in judgment!"

"calm down love it's no big deal"

"And stop calling me that! I dont think it's appropriate for a teacher to have a pet name for his student" she sneered.

" because it's so appropriate for the student to think of her teacher as....what was it...hmm... lickable?"

"ARGH!" alex screamed and slapped her hand over his mouth then immediately jerked it back.

"THAT DID NOT HAPPEN!" she pretty much yelled as she stalked back into the locker room.---------------------------------------Alex woke up the next morning in her own apartment. After the incident with mr. O'Grady in the gym Alex had went and found Jordan apologizing for her earlier behavior and filling her in on the events at the gym. Alex lay in bed a good portion of the day texting Jordan and her parents her weekly text to let them know she was still alive and not starving. She sighed rolling over In her bed and spotting the fake rose hanging above her mirror. Her mind floated back to that night.........(flash back)......................Alex smiled as lee handed her the bouquet of a dozen beautiful red roses. He kissed her lovingly on the cheek and mummered in her ear.

"I'll love you until the last flower dies"

At Alex's frowning face he laughed and pulled out a fake rose from behind his back tucking it into the bouquet.

"and this one will last forever...just like us"..........(end of flash back) Alex jerked into sitting position and pushed herself off the bed jerking the faded rose off its string failing to realize why she had kept it all this time. She marched into the kitchen grabbing her lighter from the counter and setting a flame to its petals. The rose sat in the sink until the last of the embers burned out leaving nothing but a pile of black ash that she then washed down the drain.

"nothing lasts forever"-----------

Algebra and irish;) (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now