Chapter 16 (Irish man meat!)

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Chapter 16------------------------------Alex spent her first class in the back on her laptop faking taking notes to try to find the perfect wedding song to sing. Even most of Mr. O'Gradys class had been wasted on her freaking out and searching the Internet. She had gotten many appreciating looks today because of her outfit no doubt. Even mr. O'Grady had told her she looked nice today. Which had caused her to mumble a thank you and scurry to the back of the class. He of course had laughed at her embarrassment but mostly left her to herself today. When the students started filing out Alex reluctantly closed her laptop and put it in her bag. Mr O'Grady was making his way back to her when she stumbled on her heels.

"eeeeep" she squeaked closing her eyes waiting for the impact of the ground. Instead she felt like pleasurable electricity was being inserted into her veins. She cracked an eye open to see Mr. O'Grady.. Or Luke standing above her with an arm around her waist that had kept her from falling.

"the uncoordinated shouldn't wear heels love" he said smiling as he raised them both into standing position but not bothering to move his arm.

Alex narrowed her eyes.

" I tripped"

"over air lass?"He laughed

"shut up okay I'm clumsy!"

"aye lass" he said flicking her nose.

"argh" she grumbled wiggling her nose.

" you best be getting to lunch I don't want you being late to our tutoring session"

"aye aye captain" she said doing a mock salute while walking out the door. Alex met the girls in the cafeteria.

" how is that sexy Irish piece of man meat" asked Jordan rubbing her hands together.

Alex scrunched her nose at Jordan and laughed.

"that sounded so gross. And he's alright just you know MY TEACHER"

Kristen flicked her hand dismissively.

"only minor details my love. Plus you're 18 years old it's not like you're underage."

"it's still illegal" Alex laughed.

"teachers can't date students.. Plus I never even said I was interested in him! He's my teacher it's gross"

"anyway... Did you find a song?" Kristen said breaking the stare down between Alex and Jordan.

"um yea" Alex said nervously biting her lip.

" it's only an idea so If you don't like it its totally fine. We'll find another one."

"hit me" Kristen said smiling broadly.

"a thousand years by Christina perri"

"I've never heard it. But hey I trust you and I don't want to hear it until the wedding" she said her eyes pretty sparkling with excitement.

"ok now that that's settled... Can we eat" Jordan asked with half a fry hanging out of her mouth. They all laughed and dug into their meal of cheeseburgers and fries.

" so what are you doing while Jordan's in class?"

"I've been going with her sitting in the back. What's your next class?"

"it's supposed to be English Lit. But I think I'm gonna skip and practice the song"

Kristen rolled her eyes.

"you have a whole week Alex"

Alex shrugged

"you know how I get.. I need to make sure I can do it perfectly"

"well where are you gonna practice at? The music room has class next hour." Jordan asked

"yea I think I'm just gonna go in Luke's room. Since my class was his last class he should be getting lunch"

"Luke?" they said in unison raising their eyebrows.

"um Mr. O'Grady" she laughed and flicked her hand dismissively

" just a slip of the tongue"


Jordan said smiling at Kristen.

"whatever, um so I have tutoring after next period and then I'll meet you at my apartment?"

"ok that works. Have fun at tutoring" Jordan said swatting Alex's butt as she got up to head to her car.

Alex made her way out to her car quickly unlocking it and grabbing her guitar case. She hurried down the walk to Mr. O'Grady's room and peeked in cautiously. She grinned when she found it was empty. After trying the door handle and finding it unlocked she did a mental happy dance. She walked in making her way to a long table in the back. Laying her case out she opened it getting her guitar our quickly and then propping on the table. She strummed a couple cords then closed her eyes focusing on the song.

"heart beats fast,

Colors and promises. How to be brave. How can I love when i'm afraid to fall. But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer. I have died every day waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more." Alex continued singing with her eyes closed blissfully unaware that another person had entered the room. As she finished a slow clap started.

"ah!" she screamed her eyes snapping open.

Mr. O'Grady stood there clapping slowly with a small smile on his face.

"that was beautiful lass"

"that wasn't meant for you to hear" she snapped.

He spread his arms out wide with an innocent look on his face.

" you are in my class room love"

Alex couldn't argue with that unfortunately and shrugged quickly putting away her guitar and smoothing down the front of her dress.

"whatever, can we get on with this tutoring thing"

"is there a reason you're so hostile towards me or is it just an Alex thing?" he asked looking mildly irritated.

Alex blushed looking down at her nails. Mr. O'Grady cleared his throat obviously demanding an answer. She sighed pushing a hand through her hair.

"I don't know ok? I'm just like this. I- I'm sorry"

" don't apologize for who you are love. I was just a wee bit curious at you trying to emasculate me at every turn." he said his voice laced with amusement.

"it's not just you" she admitted honestly

"I'm like this with guys in general...with people in general" she said looking down a bit confused. Sensing she didn't want to share anymore he clapped his hands together and motioned for her to come to his desk.

He sat in his chair and Alex pulled up a chair at the edge. After about an hour of more cursing at calculators and 20 or so mind boggling questions Luke called it quits.

" ok that's enough for today. We'll pick up here Monday"

"Thank God" Alex groaned closing her books and putting then in her bag. She replaced the chair in its original spot and walked toward the door to leave as Luke put his things away.

"um Luke?"

"hmm?" he asked turning to face her

"Thank you.. For helping me."

He smiled a heartbreakingly beautiful smile.

"anytime lass"


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