Chapter 23 (kiss me)

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Chapter 23-------------------------------After the plane touched down they immediately filed off the plane and was escorted to their hotel room. It was a beautiful view. It ran along the Beach and you could see and smell the ocean. It was exactly what Alex needed to get away from all the problems in her head. Jordan let out a loud yawn and flopped on the bed.


"SOME of us didn't sleep the whole flight."

"a three hour flight at most?"

"still" she said stifling another yawn.

" why don't you go to sleep. We really don't have anything to do until the wedding tomorrow."

"What will you do? I know you're not tired"

Alex shrugged and turned back toward the window.

"I may go visit the beach"


" yea I need it"

"just be careful. There are crazy people out there."

After about an hour later Jordan was asleep and Alex was unpacked and changed. She silently slipped out the door and out of the hotel lobby. She could smell the salt in the air and was awed at the beautiful sunset beginning. She slipped off her shoes holding them in her hand as she made her way through the sand to the water. She stood at the edge of the shore with the water lapping at her feet. She felt the aching sadness In her heart lift at the peacfullness of this moment. She closed her eyes and sighed enjoying the quiet..... Then a camera snapped.

"what the-" she squeaked whirling around almost falling into the surf.

A deep masculine laugh grated on her nerves. She turned coming face to face with a tall blonde shirtless man.

"what the hell?!"

He laughed again.

"I'm sorry the picture was to perfect to miss."

"so you randomly creep on people at the beach?"

"oh sorry, I'm max. I'm apart of the wedding party. I recognized you from the guest book."

"oh we'll still creepy. And I'm alex" she said shaking his hand.

" best man?"

" photographer" he said grinning holding up the camera.

"but yea I am a friend of tanners"

" oh we'll can I see the picture?" she asked reaching for the camera only to have him dance back out of her reach.

"nope. You'll see it when the right time comes."

" yup you're a creep" she said turning and walking toward the hotel. His laugh followed her up the beach.

"see you tomorrow"--------------------------------

"you look hooooot!!" Jordan said in a sing song voice as she finished up putting loose curls in Alex's hair.

" you look pretty too" Alex laughed.

"pretty hell! I look like walking sex!" Jordan said doing model poses in her deep purple bridesmaid dress.

"oh good god" Alex groaned with a smile.

Jordan laughed and made a hurrying motion.

" we gotta get to the beach like... Five minuets ago"

Alex nodded and grabbed her red clutch. Kristin had wanted everyone to be different so Alex's bridesmaid dress was a deep simple red. It was cut short and had a low neckline but was still very tasteful. Alex had did the bare minimum make up and added red lipstick to match her dress. As they walked out toward the beach she felt her jaw drop. Everything was absolutely beautiful. The beach was cloaked in white with flimsy white ribbons flying off the palm trees. The isle was set up with white marble rocks leading down to the water. The cabana where the reception will be held was to far for Alexs eyes to see but she was sure it was equally beautiful. Alex and Jordan took there places at the front by the ocean while everyone anxiously waited for the bride to make her entrance. Alex looked over at tanner to find his eyes glued on the corner kristin would have to turn to show herself. He looked so happy and so deeply on love it almost thawed out the thick coat of ice that had frosted Alex's heart. When the music began Alex caught sight of max, the photographer she had ran into the night before. He was catching every guest at every angle possible and was right next to the isle when kristin made her appearance. Alex's eyes filled with tears at the sight. She looked absolutely beautiful . She was wearing a simple white mermaid dress that was set off by the hot pink sparkly stilletoes she had on her feet. He veil was a short one that came to her nose and was also hot pink. She looked amazing and so incredibly 'kristin'. The ceremony went off with out a hitch... Until it became time for Alex to sing. She stumbled up onto stage with a borrowed guitar. She can't believe she had forgotten! Looking out at the stage she felt hundreds of eyes on her. She gulped and closed her eyes against the nausea that threatened. And sang.

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