Chapter 8

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Jordan had stayed over with her that night soothing her when she cried and helping her devour a tub of extra chocolate ice cream. She woke up early the next morning to get a jump start on getting ready for class. She dress in simple jeans and a hoodie but straightened her hair and took extra care on her make up. Her and Jordan were supposed to be entertaining some fellow students today in the cafeteria. Alex hurried out of the bathroom as Jordan woke up and took claim over the shower and cosmetics. Alex grabbed her guitar and sat on the couch started tuning it by ear to make sure it would sound right. And then she started to do a practice song

" I drift to a place another kind of life.

Take away the pain I create my paradise. Everything I have has hit the wall.. What used to be yours isn't yours at all"


Alex jumped which caused a very un flattering noise to come from the guitar. She looked up to see jordan leaning against the door frame dressed to the nines as usual.

Alex raised an eyebrow in question and Jordan shrugged.

"maybe you should sing today instead of me"Jordan suggested.

"how about no"

"why?! That sounded great"

"because you know I don't sing I just play. Plus that was an original... I don't let people hear my stuff"

Jordan rolled her eyes but let the subject drop but not before Alex saw the sneaky glint in her eye. Alex sent up a prayer Jordan wouldn't do anything stupid and headed to school

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