chapter 74

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Alex backed further into their dark corner her eyes darting all around them. Her gaze landed on Luke again kneeling in front of her. His green eyes were pleading with her and his hands were shaking around the still closed box.


Luke watched her eyes dart all around them then settle back on him. He kept control of his expression and tried to stop the shaking of his hands. He watched as so many emotions flickered in her eyes. Fear, panic, happiness And then finally love.

"wh-" she stopped to clear her throat.

"what exactly are you asking Luke?"

He knew that question would come and he was prepared.

"for you to be with me... To be mine"

"I'm already yours" she whispered.

She was trying to talk herself out of what was happening. Trying to make it into not a big deal. And he wouldn't allow that. He took a deep breath and cracked open the tiny velvet case hearing her gasp.

"forever" he murmured.

" you want me to-"

"marry me" he finished for her.

"but-" she looked around as if trying to make since of the situation.

"why?" she finished.

"have I not proved to you that I love you "

Her headed bobbed dumbly.

" and nothing would make me happier than this Alex. I want to be with you. Every day of my life. I want to wake up to your face. I want to be the one to soothe your nightmares. I want to be the one you run to. I want a chance to be everything you need"

"you already are " she choked out as she sank to her knees in front of him. They were at eye level now and she reached her hands out stroking his face.

"lass, I don't mean to rush you but uh you haven't responded yet" he said his nerves getting the better of him. Alex's eyes widened in surprise before she launched herself at him almost knocking them both over.

"yes Luke, I'll marry you"

He felt a huge pressure leave his chest and his whole body sagged. He held her close and breathed in the scent of her hair.

He quickly raised up and set her away from him for a moment. Her jerked the dainty little ring out of the box and slipped it onto her left hand.

'perfect fit' he thought with a smile.

"there's no going back now lass, that ring is non refundable"

For the first time Alex glanced down and really looked at the ring. She grinned and held it up to the light. It was a traditional ring in Ireland. She'd seen them before. But none nearly this beautiful. It had hands holding a heart with a tiny crown above it. But the difference between her rings and the ones she had seen were the ones shed seen had been made of pure silver. This one looked like it had been carved from diamonds. The hands holding the heart in the ring were crystal clear as was the band and the tiny crown.

"Luke how did you-"

"it was me mums" he said with a blush

"and before that her mums.. She said when she seen us together she just knew"

"you've been carting this around since Ireland?"

"aye" he said with a nod.

"would you like me to explain the ring?"

Alex nodded.

"the heart is a diamond my grandfather found it while he was mining as a young man. He had it cleaned and cut into the shape of a heart for me grandma. The band and the hands. They are pure crystal. I'm still not sure how my da pulled that off for mum but she adores this ring and I had hoped you would as well."

"it's beautiful Luke" she said sniffing away the tears. She felt Luke touch her cheek and she looked up.

"you sure you're ready for this? To be with me forever?"

"aye" he said gruffly pulling her toward him to capture her lips. He took delight in her tiny moan as she flung her arms around his neck. The kiss wasn't hot and heavy or at all sexual really. The both couldn't stop laughing and playfully landed smacking kisses on the others mouth.

"I love you" he murmured.

"you better" she murmured back.

That's when they heard a throat clear and a deep voice.

"what exactly is going on here?"


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