Chapter 80

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Chapter 80------------------------------------------------------------------------

Days turned into weeks and before they knew it graduation was upon them. It was the night before and Alex and Luke were at her house packing while Collin and Kate were doing the same at Luke's.

"I can't believe it's finally over" Alex sighed as she packed the last of her DVDs into a box.

"it's not over. It's just beginning lass." Luke said with a smile.

"I'm gonna finish up down stairs. Can you do my bedroom"

Luke nodded and gave her a quick kiss before bounding up the stairs.

Lee looked around at the twenty or so boxes filling Alex's room. Most everything was packed except for the desk her computer used to sit on.

He opened up the first few drawers packing away her items with care. When he reached the back of one darkened drawer he pulled out a leather book. It looked old and had a thin layer of dust coating it. Curious Luke opened it and flipped through the pages. He quickly regretted it. The pages consisted of bold angry scrawls and sometimes soft disappointed swirls. He immedientely recognized the book for what it was.

Alex's journal.

It was an old one, he realized that from the dates on the tops of each page.

He knew it was wrong to be looking at it. But the pull to read it was almost magnetic. He resisted until he got to the last page she had written. He noticed a few small dime sized circles on the page. They were wrinkled and drier than the rest of the page. That's when he realized what they were...

Dried tear drops.

'Dear journal, I miss him. I miss him today and it's not even in the romantic way. I miss my best friend. I miss being able to text him and talk. I miss the hugs. I feel so sad when I see him. I always make sure to have a smile on my face when inside I'm crying my eyes out. I can't believe we were best friends for over three years and now we can't even look at each other. Doesn't he care? Doesn't he think about the friends we used to be? Does it even matter anymore?.... Do I even matter anymore?'

Luke shook his head as he flipped the journal shut and stuffed it into one of the boxes. The date on that one had been a few days after they had first met. But he took joy in the fact there were no more sad entries since then.

He knew there had BEEN sad times but he took pleasure in the fact that he'd been here to help her through it and she hadn't needed the journal.

Looking around the room he realized he was done with her room. All that was left was the bigger furniture that the moving van was coming to pick up tomorrow while they were at the graduation.

He heard someone bounding up the stairs

and smiled when he seen Alex's head poke around the corner.

"done?" she asked returning his grin.

"done" he confirmed walking up to put his arms around her waist.

"I can't believe I'm moving to another country"

"are you nervous lass?"

"I'm excited! I'll have you, I'll have Kate and Collin. I'll have all I need to be happy."

Luke smiled and tugged her closer landing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"what about graduation? Nervous about that?"

"not really, I'm just ready to get it over with. Did you confirm our flight?"

"yes love we leave right after the ceremony and our luggage should be waiting at the airport. Mum and da have our rooms ready and a paper full of properties for sale waiting for us"

Alex sighed contently and leaned against him.

"I really really love you"

"I really really love you too lass"

"I can't wait to start our life together"

"we've already started it love" he said tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"it's just going to get better from here"

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