•Madness or Dream?•

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Glancing at his watch, Haein's face bore an expression of impatience. The day had been filled with back-to-back meetings and calls with partner companies. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of the individuals seated around the table. All attention was on the presenter at the whiteboard, detailing the company's last quarter's progress. Haein felt an overwhelming urge to stand up and leave the room. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her, making it difficult to focus on the business at hand. Lost in his own thoughts, Haein was suddenly brought back to reality as he heard his name being called out.

"What?" Haein uttered in confusion as his name was called out, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Sajangnim... What do you think about Doyoung's findings?" one of the men seated on the right side of the table asked. Haein quickly cleared his throat and straightened his posture, refocusing his attention on the discussion at hand.

"Oh... well... as expected, we did experience a significant decline this quarter, in line with our previous forecasts. I believe that the recent partnership we engaged in may have contributed to this outcome. However, I'm not ready to make a final decision just yet. I... I need some time to carefully consider our options," Haein stated, his gaze steady as he addressed his subordinates.

"But... but, we need your decision now. The treaty with our recent partner is nearing expiration. We must determine whether to renew the contract or seek a new supplier," Doyoung expressed, clearly perplexed by his boss's hesitation. Haein ran a hand through his hair, a gesture signaling that he was deep in thought about the situation.

"I can extend the treaty by two more days if you need more time to think it over," Jicheol offered. Haein turned his gaze towards him, a small smile forming on his face as he nodded in agreement.

"That would be great... Please do that, and I promise to have an answer by then," Haein assured his subordinates. Everyone in the room exchanged glances, surprised by their boss's decision to delay such a crucial matter as the expiration of the treaty.

"Alright... I will do that right away. Excuse me while I make the call," Jicheol announced as he rose from his seat. Bowing respectfully to Haein, he left the room, followed by the others. Haein remained seated, watching them depart. Once the room was empty, he picked up his phone and dialed Jisoo's number for the tenth time. With each ring, he waited anxiously, but there was still no answer. Haein let out a heavy sigh and dropped his phone onto the table in frustration.

"Why won't you answer my calls, Kim Jisoo?!" Haein exclaimed in frustration. He paced back and forth within the confines of the room, his thoughts consumed by the unanswered calls. Suddenly, his assistant entered the meeting room, catching Haein off guard.

"Oh... my apologies. I thought the room was empty!" Hanri said, looking apologetic. Haein let out a soft sigh and gestured to her that it was alright.

"Don't worry, you can go ahead with your work. I was just about to leave anyway," Haein stated with a serious expression. Hanri smiled shyly and nodded before beginning to gather the remaining files and documents on the table. As Haein gathered his belongings to leave, he paused before exiting the room to ask Hanri a question.

"Hanri!" Haein called out. Hanri promptly turned her head to look at her boss.

"Yes, Sajangnim?" Hanri voiced back.

"Did you manage to find anything about her?" Haein asked. Hanri let out a heavy sigh, indicating that she had not been successful in her search.

"No, Sajangnim... she didn't provide an address or any other information on her application form. I... I'm surprised she was able to join the company without completing the application properly," Hanri explained. Haein's expression darkened, his body tensing at her words.

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