Chapter 1

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Amy's POV

I look at the guy sleeping next to me. Then I look at the clock on the bedside table. It says 2:00. Damn, we went on for like 2 hours. I've still had better though.

I slowly move away from the guy on the bed. I don't even remember his name. I carefully get off of the bed. I pick up my underwear, bra, and clothes off of the ground, and quietly put them on.

I tip toe out of the bedroom, carrying my heels in my hands. I get to the front door of this guy's apartment, and slowly open it. I squeaks a little, so I don't open the door that much. I squeeze out the door, and put on my shoes outside the door. Then I shut the door behind me.

I walk down the hallway to the elevator, and go down to the main floor. I walk out of the building to my car, and start to drive home. The streets are mostly empty. Most people in Oklahoma City are sleeping by now.

It's a short drive home, since there's no traffic. I pull up on the driveway, and park my car behind my dad's. I get out of the car, and lock it using the key and not the remote. I don't want to push the button because the horn will sound when it locks, and I don't want to wake up my dad.

I go up the stairs of the front door, and slowly unlock it. Luckily, the door doesn't make much noise, and I quietly enter the house. I take off my heels, and leave them at the front door.

I notice the light is on in the kitchen, and I go there to turn it off. Then I see that my dad is standing in the kitchen.

"Amy, this needs to stop. You can't keep sneaking home at these late hours," he says, keeping his voice down.

"I'm twenty-three, you can't tell me what to do," I say, and walk out of the kitchen.

My dad gets up from the table and follows me.

"As long as you're living under my roof, you'll listen to me," he says getting a little louder.

"Well clearly I'm not going to," I state.

"Who were you even with?," my dad asks.

"I don't know, some guy I met," I tell him.

"Why is it always a guy? Don't you have any girl friends?"

I roll my eyes and ignore my dad's question.

"Well good thing we're moving tomorrow, and then you can make some new, better friends," he says.

"Ya good thing, I'm being forced to leave my life here behind just because you got some promotion with your law firm," I say sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm making the right decision by taking the job and moving us there. I'll be making a lot more money."

"Well congratu fucking lations," I say.

I walk away from him, and I start to walk up the stairs.

"Your mother would be disappointed in you," he says.

I stop going up the stairs, and turn around to look at him.

"Well she's not here now, is she?," I almost yell. "If she was, we wouldn't be moving."

I turn back around, and continue up the stairs. I get to my room, and close the door. I change into a pair of sweats and a tank top.

I leave the room to go to the washroom. I brush my teeth and go pee. On my way back to my room, I check on my little brother.

I slowly open his bedroom door, and look inside. He's fast asleep on his bed. I can't imagine how hard this move is for him. He's only 8, and now he has to move away from all his new friends.

How To Love (Tyler Seguin)Where stories live. Discover now