Chapter 54

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Tyler's POV

"Jamie, do I have to go to this stupid thing?," I ask while looking through my clothes.

"Yes you do," he says. "The guys want to go out to a club, and have some fun while celebrating the end of the season. A lot of people are going to be going home in the next week, so you have to be there to say goodbye to the guys. They all want you there."

"Are you sure it's a good idea to take me to a club though? I've only been two days sober after over a week of trying to sober up," I say.

"You'll be fine. I'll be there to make sure that you don't drink, and so will Drea," he tells me.

"Amy will be there too," I point out. "And I don't know how that will go."

"Use this as your opportunity to talk to her," Jamie says. "Explain that you didn't mean what you said, and try to win her back."

"You don't know what I said to her," I say with a sigh. "As drunk as I was, I remember every word that I said to her. What I said was something that no one should ever say to someone else, and I said it to the girl I love. I don't know how to fix that."

"You'll know what to do when you see her. You know Amy better than anyone else. You'll know how to get her back, and make her understand," he tells me. "Just don't think too much about what you're going to do. When you see her just follow your heart, not your mind. Don't try to rationalize things, and just go with the flow."

"Have you spoken to her recently?," I ask. "Do you know how she's doing? Do you know whether she'd even listen to me if I tried to explain myself?"

"I haven't spoken to her, but Drea has. Drea doesn't tell me the details because of her loyalty towards Amy, and she keeps the words said between them a secret. But she has told me that Amy seems different, and not in a bad way. So maybe your words aren't hurting her anymore, or maybe she's concealing the pain. But either way, Drea says that Amy does miss you. I can't say for sure, but I think she'll listen to you."

"Do you think she'll forgive me?," I question.

"Again, I don't know for sure, but you can try to get her to forgive you. Just show her that you're genuinely sorry," Jamie tells me. "Show her that you're trying to sober up, and that you'll never hurt her like that again. I think she'll believe you because I do. I can see how much you love her, and I know she can too."

"What do you see when you look at Amy? Do you see that same love?"

"Not exactly, but I see that she cares for you. And I've seen how she's changed. In the beginning, her feelings weren't as obvious, but now you can clearly see it in her eyes. You make her happy, and she needs you," he says.

"So when I talk to her, do you think that-"

"Tyler, stop worrying so much. Besides the fact that you're an asshole when you're drunk, you're a great guy. And Amy knows that," Jamie tells me. "So stop with your questions, and get dressed so that we can go to this party and you can go get your girl back."

"You really think that I'm a great guy?," I tease.

"Yes, the greatest. If I didn't have Drea, I would've totally gone for you," he jokes.

"I'm flattered, but I would need someone who can meet my needs, and you and I both know that you're selfish in bed," I say.

"Really? I thought we were past this," Jamie groans.

"Hey, if you go around telling people that you don't eat out, you're gunna hear about it for a while," I tell him.

"Whatever, just get dressed," Jamie says, walking towards the door to leave my room.

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