Chapter 23

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Tyler's POV

I sit on my bed and laugh at Amy as she moves around my room, struggling to put on her tight Halloween costume. I'm already dressed in mine.

"Why did you choose this one?," she whines.

"Cause it looks hot."

"I feel like the leather will chaff my thighs," she continues complaining. "Or if I squat really low that my ass will rip it."

"Well if that happens, I hope I'm around to see it," I say with a laugh.

"I feel like an idiot," Amy says, zipping up the front of the costume, and looking at herself in the mirror.

"I think you look sexy," I say, getting up from the bed.

I move towards Amy, and wrap my arms around her from behind. I look at her in the mirror, and she looks back at me.

"I think this needs to be a little lower though," I whisper into her ear.

I pull on the zipper, pulling it down to reveal more of her cleavage. All the while kissing her neck while still watching her in the mirror.

"Now that's one sexy Catwoman," I say.

"I hate you so much for making me wear this," she says, blushing and laughing.

"But Amy, you can't hate me."

"And why's that?," she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Cause I'm Batman," I say in a deep raspy voice.

Amy bursts out laughing, and pushes her back more into my chest. I start to tickle her, and her laugh becomes uncontrollable.

She elbows me in the stomach to get me to stop. I let go of her, and bend down, holding my gut, pretending to be hurt. I add in a groan to make it believable.

"Oh my god. Did I actually hurt you?," she asks, putting a hand on my back.

"No," I say, standing up straight and smiling. "You can't hurt these abs of steel."

"You mean your flubber?," she says with a smirk.

"Hey, I only have three point six percent body fat."

"What the fuck? Now I actually do hate you for having less body fat than me," she says with a glare.

"But your body fat is in all the right places," I say, stepping closer to her, and grabbing her ass.

Amy giggles, and I lean down to kiss her. She pulls on my costume's belt, bringing my hips closer to hers. She breaks from the kiss, and kisses my cheek.

"C'mon Batman. We have a party to go to," she says, picking up her mask.

I pick up my own mask and follow behind Amy. Her heels click on the floor, and her hips sway with each step.

I admire her ass as she walks. It's tight and firm against the tight leather of her costume. Her boobs look even bigger than usual. The tightness of the costume, pushing them up.

The costume clings to her body, perfectly showing off her curves. I mentally applaud myself for choosing this costume for her.

But as hot as Amy looks in the costume, I can't wait to come home after the party, and take it off of her.

Amy's POV

I sit down in the car next to Tyler as he drives. I laugh at the sight of him dressed in his costume just casually driving through the streets.

"Stop laughing," he says with a smile.

"I'm just enjoying your BatMobile," I say, still laughing.

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