Chapter 13

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Amy's POV

"He's cute," Grace says.

"Who? Tyler?," I instinctively say, but then realize he's not even here so it can't be him.

"No, Chris! Who's Tyler?," she asks.

"Just this guy I know, not important. But anyways, back to Chris," I say.

"He's so cute, and he's so nice. I try to flirt with him, but he just never seems to get the hint," Grace says. "Like is he not attracted to me?"

"No, you're gorgeous. He's probably just being an ignorant guy. He'll come around," I tell her.

"Hey, you were alone with him that night at the club. Did he say anything about me?," she asks.

"Ohh uhh well we didn't talk much," I say, feeling a little guilty.

"Table six," they yell from in the kitchen.

That's my table, and I feel relieved. I don't want Grace to keep questioning me about that night. I don't want her to know about Chris and I.

I get the plates of food from the kitchen and carry them to the table. The people thank me, and then I leave them so they can eat.

I grab empty plates off of a different table. Chris comes to the table to clean it since he's a busboy. He sets down a tray, and tells me to put the plates on it. I put them down and then turn to walk away.

"Hey wait," Chris says.


"Well we both get off of work after the lunch rush. So I just wanted to know if you wanted to go get something to eat?," he asks.

"That's sweet, but no thank you," I say.

"Do you have other plans?," Chris asks.

"Uhh no, I just don't feel like it. I just want to go home and relax," I tell him.

"Did I do something wrong? You've barely talked to me in over a week since that night at the club, and you're slow with answering your texts. Are you mad at me or something?"

"No Chris, it's not that. You're a nice guy and all, but frankly I'm not the girl you want. I just kinda fuck around without getting to know guys. And I only hook up with a guy more than once if he's good, and honestly you just weren't that great."

"Ouch," he says. "I thought that night at the club was good. I thought we had something special going. But you're saying it meant nothing to you?"

"Yes that's what I'm saying. I'm really sorry. You're a good guy, and I didn't mean to lead you on and hurt you," I say.

He sighs and looks at the ground. "Well at least you told me the truth rather than lying to me about this."

"I hope we can still be friends and coworkers, and not have this make things weird at work," I tell him.

"Ya I'd like that," Chris says with a small smile.

I smile back at him, and Chris continues to clean the table. I turn around to walk away, but then turn back around.

"Hey Chris, you know who you should ask to go out to eat with?," I say.



"Pftt she wouldn't say yes to me," he says.

"I don't know, I think you should give it a shot. She might surprise you by saying yes," I tell him.

"Ok I'll ask her," Chris says.

I nod and then walk away. I watch as Chris finishes cleaning and then takes the dirty dishes to the kitchen to be washed.

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